Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bookish Friends Unite: It's National Book Lover's Day!

Hi there everyone!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Yep, you read that post title right.  TODAY is National Book Lover's Day!  How cool is that, right?  What...you've never heard of it?  Allow me to enlighten you with a passage from very cool website that features loads of unexpected holidays...check it out!

August 9th, 2011

Book lovers are literary VIPs. They have a keen insight into the human experience, a terrific way with words, plus they get to have really cool book clubs with smart people and yummy snacks. Not to mention, with all of the cinematic adaptations that make it to the big screen, a prolific reader can probably tell you the end to every movie. If you're a book lover, or have a book lover in your life, today you can celebrate their passions by giving them --what else?-- a new book. And if you've always wanted to be a book lover, quit procrastinating and get reading.

Like I said, awesome right?
So get your bookish self into action and spread the word on one of your favorite past times, your "other love", your passion, your...well, you get the picture.
It's time to celebrate our fellow readers, so hats off to you my friend!
Wishing you a day filled with good times, laughter, and of course....READING!

More posts to come today all about...what else...BOOKS just for you my fellow readers!

Until then....happy reading!



  1. What will all of those silly 'days' out there it's good to hear of there being a day dedicated to such an important matter.

  2. I celebrated ... today I bought several more books!

  3. OMG I love this! I need to mark my calendar for next year.

  4. Love it! I'm going to follow Juju's lead and mark my calendar for next year so that I can celebrate properly. :o)
