Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Grandmother for Christmas by Chantal Dezainde

Hi there readers!
Welcome back for the weekend edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers ...where though one might be out and about, there's no reason not to post all about it. Just take today's post, typed on the fly via smartphone (so please, pardon any auto-correct wording/spelling errors....computers can only do so much) and yet filled with holiday reading to spare.

Today's title came to my attention when I was contacted by the lovely folks at OwlKids. (Http:// It's a publishing company located in our neighbors to the North (Canada) that specializes in bringing quality titles to children round the world; from my perusal of their catalog, it certainly shows. They've everything from stories and picture books to educational titles sure to expand the knowledge of any reader.  If you haven't checked them out, I highly recommend a visit to their site post haste.  Speaking of their titles, let's take a look at one now shall we? Today's book of choice is....

Chantal Dezainde
Illustrated by
Fil et Julie
Translated by
Sarah Cummings

If you can't tell from the cover, this is a touching story.  Take one littlle boy and his wish for a Grandmother, add in softly drawn yet expressive illustrations and you've got yourself a Christmas "miracle". All his friends are preoccupied with the arrival of their grandmothers from distant places, so our little star deduces that a well written letter to the big man in red might just net him that most wondrous of gifts, extended family.

Does Santa grant his wish? Sort of. You see by books end he is frolicking with a little gray haired lady of the grandma variety but it's never really clear if it's his own grandmother, a kindly old lady who happened upon his letter, or the spirit of the season simply working in the mysterious ways that it does. Could be something lost in translation or maybe it's simply left unanswered to give readers another reason to believe. Something to think about...

I for one enjoyed this adorable little tale and would recommend it wholeheartedly to families big and small. Whether your gathering includes one or one hundred, remember to take the time to enjoy the simple things this holiday season like friends and family. They are the ones that truly help to make this time of year a season to remember.

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. It sounds like a beautiful book!

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  2. Sounds so magical and very moving. Funnily enough I'm just off to watch a film called A Grandfather for Christmas.

    Ps many thanks for your e-mail, I'm delighted to have been picked. I have already received confirmation from Nauyma Jeggels as well.

  3. Megan: Definitely is....short and oh so sweet.

    Petty Witter: How funny! Hopefully it leaves you with a similar feeling of holiday love. (P.S. Yay! Happy reading!)
