Tuesday, April 29, 2014

BOOK BIRTHDAY: Looking for Me by Beth Hoffman - Interview + GIVEAWAY!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers....the virtual place to stop by, kick up your feet, and dive into a great read any time of day or night because let's face it, ANY TIME is the PERFECT time for books!

Today, we're throwing a party for a very special BOOK BIRTHDAY indeed as it's from an author I've highlighted a few times before...and why not?  I ADORE her work!  The featured title is making it's paperback debut TODAY via Penguin Books and it deserves all the fanfare it will get.  Ready to meet today's FIRST "guest"...oh yes, I said first....then may I direct your attention to center stage...err, post.  Shining the spotlight on....

Beth Hoffman
Penguin Books

About the book....
Teddi Overman found her life’s passion in turning other people’s castoffs into beautifully restored antiques. Leaving her hardscrabble Kentucky childhood behind, Teddi opens her own store in Charleston. She builds a life as unexpected and quirky as her many customers, but nothing alleviates the haunting uncertainty she’s felt since her brother Josh mysteriously disappeared. When signs emerge that Josh might still be alive, Teddi returns to Kentucky, embarking on a journey that could help her come to terms with her shattered family—and find herself.

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Sounds good, right?
Trust me, it surely is...and if you'd care for a glimpse into my experience with the book in a little more detail, feel free to check out my review.  Looking back, it doesn't seem like almost a year since I've read this book but I guess that's how it is when you meet characters and stories you just can't let go of.  Have I convinced you to check it out yet?  No worries....I've only just begun.  ^_^

Author Beth Hoffman
It's time to introduce today's second featured guest, and truly they are only second to their work in this case.  That's right!  I scored an interview with the truly fabulous author herself, Beth Hoffman!  She's fabulous for many reasons, her writing included, and so the chance to "speak" with her once again is answered with a resounding YES every time.  So, readers....I invite you to situate yourself in your favorite reading environment, grab a cold glass of whatever suits your fancy and join us for a friendly get together with this New York Times Bestselling Author.  Ladies and gents, please welcome Ms. Beth Hoffman!

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Hi Beth!
It feels like welcoming an old friend back again in hosting this celebratory post for the paperback release of your amazing book, LOOKING FOR ME.  (...and yes, I'm geeking out in being able to say "friend" when speaking with a NY Times Best Selling Author!) Congratulations by the way on all the success and notoriety you've achieved thus far and many thanks for always having time for the little guys and gals (like moi!)!  Can't wait to see what's coming up in your writing world next, but more on that in a moment.  Let's chat, shall we?  *passes cold glass of ice tea with lemon, grabs a Diet Coke for self*  (^_^)

I’m delighted to be with you today, Gina. I agree, we are very much like old friends and I’m grateful for all your support. Thanks for the iced tea and inviting me to chat!

So, we first "met" (virtually, of course) back in 2010.  Can you believe it?!  It doesn't seem that far back but I suppose that's how friendships and great reads develop.  Tell me, when you look back to your start with little CeeCee (AMAZING book by the way!), did you ever imagine reaching the heights you have thus far?

I never dreamed I’d be in this position, and I’m still a bit stunned by all that’s happened. It’s funny, but in some ways it doesn’t seem real, as if it’s happening somewhere outside myself.

What has surprised you the most about this crazy fun literary ride we tend to call publishing?  How about the least?  Any regrets?

The one thing that surprised me most is how supportive book lovers are. I’ve walked into events where hundreds of people were waiting, and I was gobsmacked! I suppose I’ve been the least surprised by the amount of hard work that writing and editing demands. As for regrets: none. It’s been a wild and wonderful ride. Even when I’m exhausted, or have to run down a long concourse to catch the plane to my next author event, I’ve never regretted a thing.

If you had to choose, who would you name as one of the most influential on your journey so far?  How has knowing them affected you?

My publisher, Pamela Dorman, and my literary agent, Catherine Drayton, have influenced me in countless ways. They are whip-smart and precise, and they’ve guided me with great insight. Librarians, book bloggers, and readers have also had an impact. When I interact with the book-loving community, I feel the fire to keep going, to be the best I can be, and to remain true to my craft.

Of the characters we've met thus far, which has left their impression on you the most ... you know, the character that wouldn't cease their endless chattering to your creative mind, seeking to have their story shared?

Oletta Jones will always be my favorite. While working on CeeCee’s story, I was often surprised by the things she said and did. I love her so much that sometimes I talk with her when I’m driving! She wants me to write about her again, and I just might!

Any single character that YOU identify with most?  Why?

That character would be Teddi Overman in LOOKING FOR ME. We share similar histories and personality traits: the love of animals and nature, growing up on a farm, and a fascination with antiques. But I have a quirky side, too. And truth be told, I’m quite a bit like Thelma Rae Goodpepper!

Your work has taken you to many new locales with book signings and tours; so exciting!  Tell me, which one was most memorable and why?

I spoke at the Jepson Center in Savannah, and it was a magical experience. It’s a stunning auditorium where hundreds of seats rise from the stage and fan out, which keeps the audience visible from the podium. To look up and see all those people laughing and weeping when I told childhood stories was a powerful and humbling experience.

Any crazy fan moments you'd care to share?  (Keeping actual names withheld, of course ...)

Not long after SAVING CEECEE HONEYCUTT was published, I received an email from someone who demanded that I give him a tour of my historical town. He told me when and where I should meet him…AND that he’d be wearing a bra over his shirt so I’d know who he was! It freaked me out. I blocked him and deleted the email. Then one day I was out to lunch with friends and the conversation segued to that crazy email. My friends burst out laughing and one of them admitted that he’d set up a phony Yahoo account and had done it as a prank. 

I'm sure your fans are dying to know, as am I ... what's next for you?  Any new works in progress you can tantalize us with?  Any big celebration plans (aside from this tour, of course) to commemorate this milestone in your journey?

Here’s what I’m doing to celebrate: I’m dedicating my 2014 LOOKING FOR ME book tour to animals in need. For each book sold at every event, I’ll make a donation to a selected local shelter, and representatives from each shelter will be in attendance. I’m so excited to lend my support to homeless fur-babies that I can hardly stand it.

As for a new novel, I just started working on one, and so far I’m enthralled with the characters. The story takes place in two historic districts that sit back-to-back in Northern Kentucky (Newport and Covington). The two female main are both hiding something. It’s through their unusual friendship that their mysteries unfold.

Last but not least, let's talk about THIS book.  For those with limited time or short attention spans (ooh...shiny!  ^_^), describe LOOKING FOR ME in 20 words or less .... GO!

A young woman’s journey to decipher the words written in a note and embrace the remarkable boy who penned them.

Quid pro quo....
Favorite color? White
Favorite food?  Spaghetti, and strawberry/spinach smoothies, but not at the same time!
Favorite flower? Peony
Favorite pastime? Gardening and reading
Dream vacation spot? I’m a homebody and not fond of vacations. But I do enjoy doing book research on location, and my favorite places to explore are Charleston and Savannah.

Favorite place to read? In bed.
Favorite author (as in you'll read almost anything they publish without hesitation) … Truman Capote.
Last book read? “Aimless Love: New and Selected Poems” by Billy Collins   
Must haves when writing … Total quiet and a big glass of ice water.

When not writing, I can be found ... Out in nature, reading, or antiquing with girlfriends.
If I weren't a writer, I would be ... I’d probably still have my former career as an interior designer.

Something I wish I knew then that I know now ... It’s okay to say “no” without apology. There aren’t enough hours in the day to accommodate everyone.

Advice for future writers out there ... Be authentic. Never try to emulate an author you admire. Find your own unique voice and style. Also, as Mark Twain once said: “If you see an adverb, kill it.” Even when you think you have a bona fide novel in your hands, I can pretty much guarantee that you don’t. So don’t rush to send out submissions. Edit with a ruthless hand, and then read your work out loud and listen to how it sounds. It’s a long process, but one that’s guaranteed to improve the end result.

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Like I said, an AMAZING author who writes equally wonderful stories that you simply MUST see to believe.  Special thanks to Meg at Tandem Literary and author Beth Hoffman for making this interview possible.  (YOU ROCK LADIES!)  For more information on this promotion, be sure to stop by their official site.  To connect with the Ms. Hoffman on the regular, pay a visit to her online home, like her on Facebook, or tweet with her on Twitter. This edition of Looking for Me is available now via Penguin Books (in case you didn't catch that the first few times around ^_^), so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf near you.

Now that we've got this party started, there's only one way to finish it out...

....with a CONTEST!

That's right!
You've read about it.
You've met the author.
Now, it's time to score a chance to WIN THE BOOK!

How to enter?
Easy Peasy!
Just use the Rafflecopter form below and you're in it to win it.
Open to residents of the continental US only, no P.O. Boxes please.
Begins NOW, ends May 17th, 2014.


Oh and one last thing!
If you're lucky enough to be in one of the following areas this May/June, you'll get a chance to MEET Ms. Hoffman in person on her Spring/Summer 2014 tour!  Go ahead, feel free to SQUEE.

NAPERVILLE, IL, Anderson's Bookshop, May 1
WICHITA, KS, Watermark Books, May 6
KANSAS CITY, MO, Unity Temple (with Rainy Day Books), May 8
WOODSTOCK, GA, Foxtale Book Shoppe, May 13
FAIRHOPE, AL, Page & Palette, May 15
EVANSVILLE, IN, Vanderburgh Public Library, June 15


Until next time....GOOD LUCK....and happy reading!


Monday, April 28, 2014

Romance is My Day Job by Patience Bloom

Hi gang!
Welcome back to another beautiful day here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…where the weather may be bright and sunny or dark and gloomy, but the reading will always bring a smile to your day.

Today’s featured title is certainly no exception to that rule; rather the rule is there partially because of it.  As we swing the spotlight around to the Memoir side of things, we prepare ourselves for another real life experience through another’s eyes.  Sometimes they pan out, while other times they just…are.  Never fear readers, today’s title DEFINITELY pans out and if you don’t end your read with a smile on your face, well then I just don’t know about you…just kidding, we’re still friends!  You just might need to a reread a page or two.  ^_^  Without further ado, let’s get on with the show and meet today’s book of choice….

A Memoir of Finding Love at Last
Patience Bloom

About the book….
At some point, we’ve all wished romance could be more like fiction. Patience Bloom certainly did, many times over. As a teen she fell in love with Harlequin novels and imagined her life would turn out just like the heroines’ on the page: That shy guy she had a crush on wouldn’t just take her out—he’d sweep her off her feet with witty banter, quiet charm, and a secret life as a rock star. Not exactly her reality, but Bloom kept reading books that fed her reveries.

Years later she moved to New York and found her dream job, editing romances for Harlequin. Every day, her romantic fantasies came true—on paper. Bloom became an expert when it came to fictional love stories, editing amazing books and learning everything she could about the romance business. But her dating life remained uninspired. She nearly gave up on love.

Then one day a real-life chance at romance made her wonder if what she’d been writing and editing all those years might be true. A Facebook message from a high school friend, Sam, sparked a relationship with more promise than she’d had in years. But Sam lived thousands of miles away—they hadn’t seen each other in more than twenty years. Was it worth the risk?

Finally, Bloom learned: Love and romance can conquer all.

Ah yes.  A true life story about romance…those that were, weren’t, might have been and finally may be.  The ups and downs, highs and lows, chances taken and swerves made to avoid unfortunate outcomes foreseen, are all there in their living color glory.  The author holds nothing back (well, that we KNOW of at least) and allows us to see her world as if we were right there by her side, along for the ride come what may.  Oh and things DID in fact come her way in many forms. 

From the alcohol dependent, motorcycle riding boyfriend to the cyclist more into himself than an actual relationship, her adventures in being set up on blind dates to those she orchestrated herself with our new virtual dating pools, she jumped in with both feet time and time again; sometimes landing on her ear and other times on her heart.  The bruises gained and bandages applied along the way go towards shaping her view on love and its necessity (or not) towards a happy life, as well as the person she will one day become. 

So, my take on it all?  It’s a beautiful story with all the romance life has to offer, missed chances often regretted later, and a happy-ever-after perhaps not torn from the very pages of the novels she devours and now edits (OMG…can you IMAGINE?!  I would love a job like hers one day…), but perfectly befitting a modern day “Cinderella”; just as it should be.  Recommended read for older teens through adult readers looking for a fairy tale without all the tulle.  It’s relatable, it’s personable, it’s a romp through the pages whether you are a genre novice, romance junkie, or simply…not.  It proves that yes, sometimes life DOES throw us curve balls, perhaps even a whole inning of them, but it’s the outcome of the entire game that matters most and what we take away from the plays along the way.  (Why on earth I delved into baseball analogies I have no idea as I’m not a sports person in general, but it came to mind and there you have it….^_^)

Review copy courtesy of Emily.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their complete catalog, be sure to stop by their official site.  To connect with the author, connect with her on Twitter, or meet up on Facebook.  This title is available now via Dutton, a member of Penguin Group USA, so be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf or virtual page near you. OH and if you haven't seen the book trailer yet, I highly suggest you CLICK RIGHT HERE....definitely worth it.  ^_^

Until next time…happy reading!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Claude at the Beach by Alex T Smith

Hi there!
Welcome back to the site that’s never said no to a book simply because the target audience was below their reading level (Hello?!  It’s called imagination guys!)….Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

Today, we’re skipping over to the Children’s Fiction side of things, with a new addition to a chapter book series you have you simply have to read.  It stars a beret wearing pup and his trusty sidekick as they explore the seashore and all it has to offer.  Grab your swimsuits and shades, it’s time to greet today’s book of choice…


The perfect time to take in the cooling ocean breezes and warming sun at a favorite hotspot… for most that equals a trip to THE BEACH!  Claude is not immune to a good dose of cabin fever  and thus embarks on a new adventure with his trusty companion and friend, Mr. Bobblysock but as often does with this enormously amusing pair, what starts as a simple day trip to take in some rays, and some stellar waves, turns into something a little bit MORE.  Can anyone say buried treasure, or PIRATES?  Oh yeah.  Hi ho, hi ho, it’s over the seas we go!  Who’d have imagined coming across pirates on the beach?!  Goodness….one truly never knows what adventure will you’ll undertake with this fun pair in tow.  One thing you CAN count on though…it will be fun with a capital “F”. 

This is another great addition to the Claude book series.  Aimed at younger readers just stepping out on their own, they hold qualities enjoyable by a much wider age group.  Little ones will definitely enjoy the illustrations…Claude with his little red beret, Claude decked out in Mr. Shineyshoes’ boxers (What? He had to have a bathing suit at the beach…where else was he going to get one in a pinch?), and of course, Mr. Bobblysocks sporting a killer pair of shades while working on his tan.  The target audience will enjoy the images breaking up the story into smaller, bite sized pieces, allowing them to further practice their reading skills.  Older readers….well, I’d say they’d enjoy the whole kit and caboodle, or at least I know I did.  The color scheme consisting of shades of red, white, pink and black remains a the same as in previous releases, continuing to amaze with how well it all works together.

So, in conclusion, an adventure tail…I mean, tale….for young and old-er alike with it’s multi-faceted appeal.  It’ll bring a smile to your face and a warmth to your heart with every turn of the page.  Trust me, it’s as cute as the cover leads you to believe with just as much whimsy and a touch of wisdom.  A great read, indeed.

Review copy received courtesy of Niki at Peachtree Publishers.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title, the growing series of Claude’s adventures, or any of their other bookish wonders, be sure to stop by the official site, catch them on their blog, like them on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.  This title is available now, so be on the lookout for it on a bookstore shelf near you.

Until next time…happy reading!

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Medea Complex by Rachel Florence Roberts

Hello there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers….the site that’s not afraid to get a little crazy at times, ESPECIALLY when it comes to my choice in reading material.  Case in point…

Today, we’re taking a look between the epages of a rather unusual little read.  How so?  Well, if you can figure out all that’s coming and going at you in the story from the get go, you’re one up on me….but if you’re like the majority of us, you’ll be intrigued, perplexed and at times a bit perturbed…more on that in a moment.  First, let’s greet today’s featured title with an open mind and gentle persuasion…don’t want to rile anyone up or anything in their current state.  *ahem*  Today’s featured ebook is...

Rachel Florence Roberts

About the Book…
1885. Anne Stanbury - Committed to a lunatic asylum, having been deemed insane and therefore unfit to stand trial for the crime of which she is indicted. But is all as it seems?
Edgar Stanbury - the grieving husband and father who is torn between helping his confined wife recover her sanity, and seeking revenge on the woman who ruined his life.
Dr George Savage - the well respected psychiatrist, and chief medical officer of Bethlem Royal Hospital. Ultimately, he holds Anne's future wholly in his hands.
The Medea Complex tells the story of a misunderstood woman suffering from insanity in an era when mental illnesses' were all too often misdiagnosed and mistreated. A deep and riveting psychological thriller set within an historical context, packed full of twists and turns, The Medea Complex explores the nature of the human psyche: what possesses us, drives us, and how love, passion, and hope for the future can drive us to insanity.


A tale of love, loss, lies, and a murder (or two or three or…) most heinous, this is a story for the curious amongst us.  If you’re curious about the inner workings of the mind, what can drive people to do what they do, the field of psychology, the history of mental illness, or simply crave a who-dun-it that’s not as clear as crystal…you’re in for a treat.  What at first you may presume is more than likely proven wrong by book’s end.  You’ll change your mind half a dozen times about the characters, but just when you believe you’ve settled on your final judgment, be prepared for things to change once again.  To me, it almost reads like the minds it attempts to capture with words….not a bad thing, just a curious one. 

My outlook on the characters?  They all play well in the role of narrator, giving the story a more rounded viewpoint, though there are a few times we actually heard more from one than the other as to ascertain the details we’re missing about parts of the back story.  Cie la vie, it still works for our needs.  As for my observations of each character, I’ve afraid they might reveal TOO much about the who, what, and why-in-the-world, but I will play favorites.  Top choices….Anne, Beatrix, and young innocent Betty.  The first two simply for their minds, their affections, and their ability to stand strong in a world trying to tear them to pieces.  The third was an easy pick as well for her simple nature and honest voice…not to mention I enjoyed reading her more regional dialect; really gets you into character.

Probably the most interesting part of the whole experience is the fact that it’s not purely a work of the imagination; it has its roots in actual events.  At book’s end in the author’s note section, Ms. Roberts is kind enough to outline all the essential ingredients used in creating this curious Victorian type mystery…and in doing so, opens the door to future reading opportunities as well.  Seriously, it might be morbid but there’s a book listed amongst the sources entitled, “My Experiences as an Executioner”; if I said I’m not curious, I’d be lying.

All in all, the story delivers on most of what it promises allowing readers to delve behind the preconceived notions of who we think people are and what situations appear to be to uncover the often times darker underbelly of what really is.  Hey, I never said it would deliver sunshine and roses…not all stories were meant to have a happily-ever-after, at least not for EVERYONE.

Recommended read for older teens through adults looking for a curious story that will have you guessing just what in the world is REALLY going on, while exploring the world of the mentally unstable.  The only drawback for me story-wise came just after we leave the mental hospital.  Just when you thought you were headed in one direction, it gets snatched away from you and I suppose I wasn’t ready for the switch.  Still, it works and in the end delivers a sentence that serves one and all.


About the author….
British born and raised, Rachel Florence Roberts is a registered nurse, fiancée and mother of one based in Malta, EU. The Medea Complex was written shortly after the birth of her son, and took almost two years to complete. She suffered with postnatal depression in a country that did not understand her, and was henceforth the inspiration behind the novel. The Medea Complex will make anyone who has ever thought, lived, laughed, and loved, question the importance of those and everything around them.


Ebook for review courtesy of author Rachel Florence Roberts.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as those still to come, be sure to stop by her official site, like her on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.  This title is available now so be on the look out for it on a virtual shelf near you. 

Until next time…happy reading!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

RECAP: World Book Night 2014

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the site that aims to bring the bookish side of you to the forefront EVERY day of the week...Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.

As some of you know, one of the many hats I wear puts me in the bookseller arena and this year, the powers that be decided to do something EXTRA cool...which is a bit out the norm but hey, I wasn't complaining!  Wanna know what the coolness was?  Good!  I'll tell you.  They decided to participate in....


Pretty cool, right?
Well naturally when I found out I was MORE than gung ho to be one of the official givers for the store....but alas, the best laid plans of mice and men are often waylaid by "the man"; in this case, not enough payroll hours to be set aside for actual participation in said event since we would be representing the company.  Did that stop me?  Nope.  Not one solitary bit.

Paid time aside, this was a BOOK event I couldn't pass up!  So, I gathered up the supplies, stuffed the books with semi-official (okay, homemade and printed off the store PC) bookmarks and outlined a celebratory plan all my own.  I called it Operation (insert company here) Book Ninja...and boy did I have a blast!  

Around the town I drove, stopped and dropped, leaving behind treasures to be found by unsuspecting citizens.  I left them here and there.....

...and pretty much EVERYWHERE!

I ran into a few new bookish friends that were thrilled to learn about the worldwide event....

....and others that were taken by surprise at the spoils to be found.
In the end though...it was all about the BOOKS and spreading the joy of reading.
What more could you really ask for?

So here's to my first World Book Night celebration and hopefully it will be the start of a yearly tradition in my neck of the woods as well.  What about you?  Did YOU celebrate World Book Night?  Perhaps you were even a giver in your area?  Do tell!  I'd love to hear your tales of bookish fun as I'm sure my fellow readers would be as well.

Until next time...happy reading!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

BLOG TOUR: Dog Spelled Backwards by Jill Yesko + GIVEAWAY!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers….the place to be when you need a bookish break in your day; we’re always ready to be your virtual bookmark.

Today, we’re hosting another blog tour, this time courtesy of Lori at Great Escapes Book Tours (Hi Lori!).  It stars book two of a (so far) two book series with a leading lady that’s definitely different from the norm…okay, and the quirky cast of characters she surrounds herself with are definitely off base of center as well…  *ahem*  …but, well they are likable to a fault as well.  Ready to discover what your bookish future holds?  Here we go!  Today’s spotlight shines on….

An Unholy Mystery
Jill Yesko

About the book
Private investigator Jane Ronson suffers from oppositional defiant disorder, the uncontrollable urge to punch first then ask questions later.  When a rabbi with a shady past offers her a bag of cash to spy on a rival rabbi, Jane jumps at the chance to make what she thinks will be easy money.  To get her cash, Jane impersonates an Orthodox Jewish woman and infiltrates a black market kidney ring in Baltimore’s Orthodox community.  Between Russian gangsters and double crosses, Jane is number one on everyone’s hit list.  To save her life, she forms an alliance with a religious woman and confronts a family.


I must admit, I didn’t think I would enjoy the read nearly as much as I did….but I REALLY did!  I had the option of reading book one or two (or even both) and opted for book two based off the descriptions (and my available time…eek!) but wouldn’t you know it, I’m gonna have to go back and read the first one.  Before you go assuming it was because I was lost in the read having not started at the beginning, think again.  It was really, truly, and simply… the characters! 

Jane is a hoot and a half.  She’ll kick your butt as sure as look at you but loyalty is definitely in her blood.  She doesn’t like to see a good man (or dog) down and despite not always towing the straight and narrow line, she usually ends up doing what’s right in the end….even to her own detriment I’m afraid.  Let’s just say there are some nail biter scenes in this one where you aren’t quite sure she’s gonna make it out to A) knock some sense into her brother’s head, B) give Archie one more scratch behind the ear, and C) make it to her own wedding!  Oh, wait….you didn’t know about that part now did you.  ~whistles~  Speaking of marriages….

The guy she’s about to be hitched to is a cop.  Yes, a cop.  Funny how that works…one on the straight and narrow, the other veering on and off the same track…yet it does.  Their chemistry is certainly there as well as a mutual respect for each other….good for you Jane!  You got one of the good ones!  Oh and speaking of good ones, might I say that Jerome is one interesting person to say the least but anytime you need him, BAM….he’s there with heels one.  (No really…with heels!)  Continuing with our people assessment, there’s the long list of Jewish friends Jane is now acquainted with though “friend” might be pushing it a bit too far.  *ahem*  From Rabbi Goldberg  (investigating Black Market kidney ring) to Rabbi Dworkin (man behind the ring?), Dr. Kornblatt (behind the operating room doors) to Shayna (wife of Rabbi Goldberg) to Yuri….okay, I know, that last one isn’t Jewish per se, more Russian strong man, toting more fire power than most militia need but well, he’d be the enforcer.  Suffice it to say that as in life, every new meeting changes us in some way….Jane is about to undergo changes that she NEVER saw coming.  *dun dun dunnnnn*

In conclusion, don’t’ be a judging Judy, be an open-minded Opal!  You’ll get a glimpse inside the Jewish faith and sense of community along with a mystery that twists and turns without dragging you five miles to Sunday through the doldrums just to prove a point.  Give a dog a chance…err, a book a chance, that you might not have truly looked at the first time around.  Sometimes you find the best reads in the most unexpected places.  Is this the best read ever?  Maybe not….but it definitely rates high on my list and EXTRA points for her love of dogs!  (Love how that was worked in!)  Will it rate as high for you as well?  Only one way to truly find out….

Recommended read for older teens through adult readers for some content, themes, and violence.  It’s not to say they didn’t have it coming but….well, we like to limit the wee ones exposure to all of that too early on.  ^_^


About the author….
Jill Yesko’s 20+ year writing career has included stints as a sports writer, NPR commentator, and investigative reporter.  She’s written about everything from body piercing to human pyramids in Spain.  After a solo trek around the world, Jill was profiled as an “adventurous traveler” in O, the Oprah Magazine.  Before becoming a writer, Jill was a national-class cyclist and graduate and cartographer.  A New Jersey native, Jill now patrols Baltimore’s dog parks with her basset hound.


Ebook for review courtesy of Lori at Great Escapes Book Tours.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as the first book,Murder in the Dog Park, be sure to stop by the official tour page where my fellow bloggers are getting their read on and sharing the experience with you!  Book one AND two are available now so be on the lookout for it on a virtual shelf near you.  Oh and one more thing….there’s this little thing called a CONTEST that I thought you might be interested in.  No need to thank me, I’m only sharing the info….

Until next time…GOOD LUCK…and happy reading!