Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Books to Movies: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Hello, and welcome to another exciting installment of "what book should I read next"! Just kidding! I wouldn't presume you were going to RUN out TO YOUR BOOKSTORE, SELECT your next BOOK based purely upon whatever one I CHOSE to write about, start to READ the title AND automatically ENJOY it. That would just be silly! (Although, my sudden desire to intersperse purple font may say differently when read.) Enough about that...on with the show! (A very appropriate introduction for the newly minted book to movie.) Today's choice is...

In this classic tale, life is experienced in reverse. How? Well, we start out with the expectant parents expecting a baby and getting a very old man! Imagine THAT delivery! (although politely not discussed) Upon this unusual circumstances revelation, the mother and father are not exactly prepared to deal with the situation. I mean, really...can you actually fathom having a "child" start out as an aged adult, yet lacking the life experience usually attained by that age? The problems that "child" would encounter physically, mentally, and socially number as the stars. But, with the help of his mother (father is too distraught to really pay him any attention) and the in-house nurse, Benjamin grows....hmmm, adapts to life as normally as possible. Many things are more accessable to an aged person as opposed to a child, and yet other things are reversed even greater for children than adults. He experiences unique "growing" pains that only he truly understands. The largest being the loss of both family and friends as they continue forward in their lives, while he is forever moving backwards.

While this title is written by the infamous F. Scott Fitzgerald...the same author that penned 'The Great Gatsby' and 'The Beautiful and the Damned'...this is not one of my favorites. Hold on...I can hear you now. You're probably wondering why I am writing about a "non-favorite" book instead of one of my must reads...well, I didn't say that the book holds no merit. It is a well written, yet short masterpiece of literary value...BUT, the story is not for everyone. I mean, come on...I usually like a happy ending to my reading adventures. Benjamin Button ages BACKWARDS. From old man to young baby and then...well, not to spoil for those interested in reading, but let's just say one word...POOF! (You'll have to read it to understand what I mean...try clicking on the classic book cover at the top of this post!)

For those of you still depending on Cliff Notes for your reading enjoyment, you will be happy to know (if you haven't heard) that this short story is now on DVD for your viewing pleasure although I must say...from the previews it does not appear to stay as close to the original novel. There is a little more happy than sad during his film life, especially towards the end...or in this case beginning.

Feel free to leave your comments and feedback!
Until next time...happy reading!

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