Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Food for Thought

Ahhh....the world of books. On the shelf, they call to you (figuratively), whispering echos of the tales they could tell. In your hands, they hold a magical adventure just waiting to be experienced by you, the reader. The turn of a page may have you face to face with your wildest dreams.....or your darkest nightmares. Their enchantment does not lessen with time, but grows as it makes a place in your heart and mind. To think, so many can read the same book, and yet walk away with entirely different experiences....the true wonder of the written word.

Today's 'Food for Thought' post will highlight a new site I stumbled across on my daily internet travels. The site is called Young Adult Book Central. As can be guessed from the site name, they mainly deal with books in the Young Adults and Children genres. This includes many of the recent stars featured on this blog such as Twilight, Harry Potter, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and much much more.

The site itself was created by author Kimberly Pauley...she penned the novel entitled 'Sucks to Be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Hamilton, teen vampire (maybe)'. It started out back in the day as a pit stop for those looking for new books and was developed over time into the blossom we see today. There are book reviews from actual professional book reviewers, as well as those from readers like us. One of the best features I have to make mention of is the opportunity not only to share your review, but win books as well! How? Well, she does a much better job of explaining the four options available on the site, but the easiest by far (and less chancey) is to submit 15 reviews. For every 15, you get to choose a book off of the Prize Bucket list. These aren't just random novels you've never heard of though....they come from the advanced reader copies she receives, donations from authors, as well an unclaimed prizes from past contests. A few titles currently mentioned include 'The Year of the Dog', 'Fabulous Terrible: The First : The Adventures of You ', and 'Oliver Nocturne'.

I don't know about you, but I am more than happy to share my opinions with others in this arena...the option of getting a free book just makes it that much more appealing.

Feel free to leave your comments and feedback!
Until next time...happy reading!

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