Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

Hello, and welcome!  Whether you frequent my blog or are a first time visitor, it's nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy the site!  I haven't posted an actual book review for a few days (bad Me, bad Me) so I thought I better get back on the ball and start rolling along the book review highway (no, I don't know where I was going with that....maybe you do?). 

I am so excited about the book that I will be reviewing today!  Two reasons top my list of why.  Number one....I was able to get an ARC of it before it's offical release in October 2009 (at least at the time of this post) thanks to the B&N First Look book club (Thanks, B&N!).  Oh, the joy of getting to read a book before the majority of the rest of the world....I am speechless in the bliss it provides.  Well, not exactly speechless, more like giddy as I internally jump up and down with excitement.  (oh wait, I said internally, didn't I...) Ahem....moving on.  My second reason is that this book was REALLY GREAT!  So the early read copy + the great read = one happy Insatiable Reader.  Without further ado, today's book choice is....

Hush, Hush
Becca Fitzpatrick

Told in the voice of Nora Grey, it likens to the popular series Twilight by Stephenie Meyer in both voice chosen to narrate and acknowledging existing character flaws....add in Patch her new Bio partner with the bad boy persona that's just so wrong it's right (check Julian from L.J. Smith's Forbidden Game series), and you have a melting pot of mystery, fire, and desire.  (Oooh!  Chills, I tell you, chills!)  The tension between them is palpable even though Nora stubbornly refuses to admit it to her conscious mind.  As mixed up as she feels, when strange things begin to happen surrounding Patch's introduction into her life, she begins to wonder if he isn't the one behind it all.  The twisted game being played with her has far dire consquences thatn just trying to scare or merely kill her....there are those that seek so much more....far beyond what she comprehends. 

Let's not forget the unforgetable cast of supporting characters from Nora's best gal pal Vee to the mysterious Elliot and Jules.  The later two come around as potential love interests, with bright and shiny exteriors (we're not talking tin men here...I just mean they have that "wholesome" nature about them.).  Needless to say what's bad may appear bad, but things that are too good to be true can end up worse.  (Cliffhanger, huh? Wow, I can see straight DOOOOOWWWNNN this one....but I can't rescue you! You have to read the book!)

The cover art alone draws your eye and the book teaser tells you that the story deals with a fallen angel, a sacred oath, and a forbidden love...no spoilers revealed there. I don't know where to begin without revealing too much!  (I have that problem when I really like a book...how about you?)  The characters are described in detail, allowing the reader the ability to envision them in their minds eye.  If you are like me (maybe, a smidge?), when you read your mind makes its own "movie" version for you to follow.  Detailed (but not overly) descriptions make those visuals even better.  You could place yourself in her character's shoes, and more often than not, you'll probably want to.

If I wanted to leave a one word review, this book would sum up with....AWESOME! (I know, it's not the most professional word, but hey, if the shoe fits...)  A great read for anyone that enjoys the YA genre, author Becca Fitzpatrick creates a fantastic story brought together with the air of a seasoned pro.

Let's just say it's a must read. Watch for it's release in October 2009 (at least at the time of this review).  If you just can't wait, check out the excerpt over at Simon & Schuster!  (Click here and it will take you right to it.)

Feel free to leave your comments and feedback!
Until next time....happy reading!


  1. The cover of this one won my everlasting devotion. I have the ARC sitting on my shelf, but I haven't read it yet.

    Nice review!

  2. OMG you have the CUTEST blog! *follows* I loved Hush, Hush. I think I may buy a final copy to see the alt. ending.

  3. Awesome review. Kristen is right, your blog is super cute. -follows as well-

  4. I received Hush, Hush from BN.com as well, but haven't started it yet. Loved your review! Will start reading it as soon as I finish current reads.

    Like your blog! Am now following as well! :)

  5. Just found your blog, SOOOO cute! It's fun to hang out here. I got to read Hush, Hush at the begining of the summer and I agree its AWESOME!!!

  6. Hey, Chef! :)

    LOVED your review! I'm heading over to add it to my website RIGHT NOW!


  7. Wow! Thanks for all the kind words! I'm glad you like the blog...as it is as much for you as for me! Stay tuned for more reviews and random ramblings....and now to respond to all those wonderful comments and LOOK! Even the featured book author! =0)

    NotNessie: I agree. The cover art is a great touch!

    Kristen: Glad to hear you liked the book too! I'll be doing the same thing...and waiting for the sequel! =0)

    April: Thanks and happy "following"!

    Alexia561: OWARNING...oce you start, you won't want to put it down!

    Frankie Diane Mallis: Thanks for stopping by and welcome!

    Becca Fitzpatrick: **happy dance** Once again, great book! Thanks for the review add to your website..I am honored! Stop my anytime! =0)
