Friday, September 4, 2009

Week-END Treasure: Book: The Sequel, Edited by Clive Priddle

Hello there!  Happy Friday (or whatever day it happens to be when you are reading this)!  Everyone is getting ready for the upcoming holiday weekend and you know what that means.  So I thought that we'd just jump into....wait, what's with the quizzical look?  You don't know what that meant?  Oops!  Sorry!  I suppose to me, it means the hustle and bustle I see in traffic and grocery shopping....I mean the long standing tradition in our house on these types of holiday's is having a cookout.  Okay, so it's more of a cook in.  Hey, it's still HOT here and we have an indoor electric grill.  Since I'm the cook and I prefer not to sweat to death or be attacked by mosquitos while cooking...we cook in.  I'm most looking forward to the day off and spending time with family (if one ends up being made of binded paper, all the better!) (by that of course, I meant a book....).  Anyone else have any traditions at this time of year?

Anywho, back on topic between last minute projects, and cranky attitudes (hello, it's Friday and a holiday weekend?  Cheer up!), I did manage to sneak in a surprising good and FUNNY book.  The title itself would draw in any book-aholic (GUILTY!).  Today's choice is...

Book:  The Sequel
edited by
Clive Priddle

(See what I meant about the title?  How can you not want to peek inside this one?)
Have you ever wondered what would happen if authors continued writing their characters?  I mean, instead of them dropping off into a literary abyss (picture a big black hole filled with lost figments of your imagination), what if their lives moved forward.  What would the result be of such an endeavor?  Although, we probably all (okay, most people) think they would end up in another fantastic story ready to charge our imaginations with its creative power, ask yourself often do sequels live up to the hype? 

The creators of this collection started their project as the great "what if".  What if a characters life was continued?  What if you could choose the title as well as write the opening line of the sequel?  Imagine the possibilities....okay, well now you don't have to imagine it if you check out this book!  There are so many different submissions all of which have their own brand of makes for a quick read, but also an enjoyable one!  Take it all in, or scan for your favorites...(personally I did the latter and then the former).  From Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series to Jane Austen's library of works, no book was spared, nor title forgotten!  Here are a few of my favorites....

After years of consuming rich, creamy milk chocolate, Charlie Bucket's cardiologist gave the gooey-in-his-center candyman an ultimatum:  Switch to the dark stuff and start using the stairs instead of the Glass Elevator. -- From Charlie and the All-Natural 80% Cocoa Dark Chocolate Factory (Lisa Safran, Writer)

Buying the Nimbus 10,000 was the first sign that something was wrong.  -- From Harry Potter and the Mid-Life Crisis (Kara Race-Moore)
And last but certainly not least.....
Reneesme?  What in the h*** were my parents thinking?  -- From Dusk (Emily Griffin)
All of course were submissions made in good fun with no intention of insulting the originals from which they were created.  It's good to laugh every now and then (some prefer more, I'm more middle of the way).  For a humorously good time or a quick pick me up during the course of a more prickily day, I'd definitely recommend a walk inside the pages of this book.  On a side note, the royalties from the book's sales are being donated to the National Book Foundation, presenter of the National Book Awards (according to the final pages).

I would like to experiment a bit further with the idea put forth by this book.  What book would YOU have liked to continue?  Post your opening line and potential title in the comments and let's see how much fun can be had...

Feel free to post your comments and feedback!
Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Awesome review. I need this one! I haven't an idea on what book I'd continue.

  2. Just having read and reviewed Charlie And The Chocolate Factory and Charlie And The Great Glass Elevator, I love your piece on Charlie's cardiologist.
