Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Comic-al Fun: 'Kit Feeny: On the Move' by Michael Townsend

Hello everyone!  Why would you look at that!?!  It's already the 28th of the month...where did the time go?  (**calling** Here tiiimmmee! Oh, tiiimmmee!)  It seems like only yesterday we were starting all the spooky fun that comes along during this part of the year...*SIGH*...wait, what am I saying?  We can keep the fun going all year long!  There's no need to wait for a particular time of year to roll around...we can get the party started (*singing*"...on a Saturday night!  Everybody's waiting for me to arrive" Pink's song will be stuck in my head for a few hours....yours too?) any time we like.  YAY for the world of book blogging!

A quick reminder to those of you that have not entered, we have two contests running currently.  One ends the 30th, the other on the 31st.  Check out the links to both in the right sidebar under "Current Contests".  And now...on to today's book!  The ARC (advanced reader copy) title for review today came to me as a result of a mini-Twitter contest from Random House Kids.  (Thank you!  Love the prize!)  I just received it on Monday, but couldn't wait to read just looked too cute!  (You'll see...)  Without further ado, today's choice is....

Kit Feeny:  On the Move
Michael Townsend

Meet the Feeny's.  You have mother, father, two sisters, and Kit...sound fairly typical right?  Believe me, the story is anything but!  The Feeny family is preparing to move (To where you ask?  It remains unknown...but think further than a drive, closer than a boat trip.) and one member of their group is less than happy about this turn of events.  Kit wants no part in this adventure, and yet as in life so goes it in fiction, he must go with his doesn't mean he has to like it!  From secretly trying to move his friend along with him (in a box with loads of pillows) to the "awesome stupid" (gotta love that phrase from the book) Hawaiian shirts he picks out for his new school wardrobe, you never quite know what Kit will do next.  Add to this equation a bus-riding bully, and (twin?) kid sisters that are more concerned with how they look and smell (strange add-in yes, but funny!) than their brothers plight.  Not to worry, Kit has a plan...or should I say several!

Let me start out "my" portion of the review by saying I am not a comic book reader. (GASP!  I know...shocking right?)  To all of you die-hard fans of this genre whether it be the single issue comic releases or the $10 a pop manga books that seem to fly off the shelves at the bookstore, I just can't see the draw. (STOP!  It's no use writing up a long email to explain the virtues of it to me and try for a "conversion" won't happen...sorry!  However, I do respect each readers right to like what they like and share it with others!  With that in mind...may I continue now?  **pause for your approval** Thank you...moving on.)  So, when I first saw this book offered through a Twitter post, I didn't immediately submit a DM (for those of you not on Twitter...that means 'direct message').  Time passed and the world kept turning....low and behold, another tweet appeared offering the same book.  Well, I checked it out this time to see what I as well as others were perchance missing.  The cover looked cute, the story sounded DM later and I had won myself a copy. (Yay me!)  Boy was I glad that I did....

First off, it is an ARC copy.  Now there is nothing wrong with them (personally love them since more often than not you get them before the book is released to John Q. Public) but due to their nature, they can be quite plain in design.  I mean you are reviewing the story, not just the awe inspiring (or not) cover.  This one was a bit different.  Take a closer look at the picture at the top of this post.  Go ahead, I'll wait. (insert Jeopardy music here....da da da dada da da da, da da da da DA da da da da're back?  Good..)  Did you see what the caption says?  In my opinion, that was a really cool way to work in the ARC fact.  It blends right into the book, yet makes a statement of its own. 

Next, we have the much fun!  Staying mostly to the pencil drawn, black and white classic effect with orange thrown in for a little twist, it makes you feel like you are reading something made just for you by a close friend, instead of a mass produced title.  (That's a good thing!)  On to the cast of loveable characters...I really liked how they interacted with each other.  Although some of the references in the conversations bubbles were sort of odd (in my opinion), it was thoroughly enjoyable!  The bully with his bad attempts at humor, the mom with her well-intentioned meddling, even the sisters with their crazy taunting were all a blast.  Now Kitt on the other hand...

He's not actually a trouble maker, despite the situations he gets into.  Really he is just your normal average kid dealing with leaving all he knows behind in exchange for everything unknown....scary prospect at any age.  He does the best he can (and better than some) in his new surroundings, ultimately discovering the truth hidden beneath the surface.  Whether near or far, a friend will still remain a friend.  It's okay to make new're not dishonoring the memories you share or knocking them out of the ranking of "first friend".  You are simply moving forward and adding more loved ones along the way....your own merry band of followers to laugh, cry, smile, and share the ups and downs of life.

Special thanks once again to Random House Kids for the terrific Twitter contest prize!  (Love it!)  Be sure to check out their website or "follow" (still sounds creepy...) them on Twitter for the latest and greatest.  Also the author's name near the top of the post links to his website.  Check out the author bio page...laughs abound.

So let's see...what shall we talk about today, besides the book/review of course....ah, how about this.  Keeping on the same topic as this book (moving), have you ever moved a great distance from your hometown?  What was the best thing and worst thing about the experience?

My family moved from Pennsylvania down to Florida in the early 1990's.  It was quite a change.  Missed my friends, although we did write to stay in touch....loved the more casual school uniforms!  Oh, was not a fan of the heat though (still not too much)....we left 5 inches of snow and arrived in upper 90 degree weather.

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Your blog is so original, I love it!

    I moved about an hour away from my hometown. Sure, I love it here more because we have more space and whatnot but we have to wake up early to go to school. Just the thought of it makes me want to go to sleep.

  2. This sounds like a pretty interesting book!

    And no, I've lived in my hometown ever since I can remember. I'm definitely one of those people who can't wait to get out. I mean, I know I'll miss it but a little bit of city life could do me good.

  3. Yay!Reads: Thanks for the kind words! Definitely understand the wake up early bit....still have to now in order to get everything done and out the door. =0/

    Melanie: Yes, the book was really cute. You are right though...experiencing another place can be exciting and wonderful...but I bet you'll still miss home from time to time. =0)
