Monday, October 19, 2009

Immortal Love?: How to Catch and Keep A Vampire by Diana Laurence

Doo doo DOOOOOO!  (trumpet sound...sorta) Now presenting another day, another entry from yours truly, the Insatiable Reader! (crowds cheering....maybe not?)  Hello there!  Welcome back and happy Monday to you!  It was an absolutely GORGEOUS weekend weather-wise here and so the blog was a little light on new entries (sorry about that!).  No problem...we will rectify that this week.  To start it off right, the post for the day is going to a book I grabbed a few spare minutes to finish this weekend.  It's a perfect fit for the spooky Halloween season we are in, although whether you choose to take it seriously is all up to you (it's a humor book...for most people anyway...).  Today's choice is....

How to Catch and Keep a Vampire
Diana Laurence

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to date one of the undead?  (I see heads nodding...)  Of course you have...and who could blame you?  With the influx of books and movies featuring a new spin on this archetypal character of the night, they have turned into everything a girl could dream of.  Dashing, daring, gorgeous, dedicated, astounding beings that creep into our dreams and sweep us off our feet.  But what about the vampires of old?  You know...the ones that scared the "hee bee gee bees" out of us as children (or adults) no matter what medium they were presented in.  Surely they haven't just disappeared or changed their tune.....not to worry they are still out there in force and apparently welcome the prospect of dating you!

Author Diana Laurence provides readers with a rather unique dating the undead.  If you've ever wanted to know what might happen should you be tempted to the other end of the dating pool, this is a book for you.  (Or for those just curious enough to wonder what if....and then have a good chuckle.)  Does the blood letting part of the relationship scare you a bit?  According to her research, they are not all out to just drain you dry....many are looking for companionship (and many in this case not only refers to the vampires, but the number of companions.....).  Long to have the ultimate protector and mate by your side?  Be prepared to share!  With all the time they have on their hands, they are not big on the monogamy bit.  Ever wonder if that new red ribbon bracelet trend was really ALL about a religious following?  Maybe yes, maybe no (remember, this is all in good offense meant to anyone)....some may say it signals a true "believer" of another sort.  Depending upon the wrist it is displayed, there is another connotation of it all together.

When I first saw the title for this in my Shelf Awareness newsletter, I thought to that sounds like fun!  (Not the dating the undead part, the book itself!  Although....) I mean it's October.  The month of spooky, creepy, scary, fun-ness....what better time to read a book about snagging the attention of the opposite undead sex?  Lucky me, I was able to procure a copy of this for my reading pleasure and your review-reading enjoyment!  I have to say, it was pretty good!  Presented from a first person "how-to" stand point, it deals with your inclinations in a serious yet friendly fashion....after all, the author is telling you about her experiences first hand, including one that may lead to her having a new perspective by books end.... (nope, I'm not going to tell you how it turns out...that would spoil the fun!)  Entertainment for both the timeless romantic as well as the "bad girl wannabe" in us all, it allows readers to take a look at dating the darker side.  After reading up on the pros and cons from somewhere who's "been there, done that"...see if you aren't the least bit tempted....

The ARC of this book was received courtesy of Andy of Sellers Publishing, Inc.  (THANKS!) 

Who is your favorite vampire and why? (Can be from books or movies.) Do you vote for the good guy, the bad guy, or the run-for-your-life guy?  Whether you've actually thought about this or not, give it a go!  I'm rather curious to see who turns up....

Feel free to leave your comments and feedback.
Until next time....happy reading!


  1. I've never wanted to date a vampire. Besides the annoying trying-to-drink-my-blood thing, I wouldn't want him looking young forever while I age into an old hag!

    Because of my aversion to vamps, the only one I've ever liked was Angel, as played by David Boreanaz. Loved his hot chemistry with Buffy and his own show was hilarious.

  2. Pop Culture Nerd: Good point! (no pun intended) Ah yes....Angel and Buffy now that was a good combo. I too preferred the original show, but Angel wasn't too bad either. Greateye candy either way....and he can act too! =0)

  3. Thanks for this post GMR. I'll have to read the book just in case I ever find myself in the position of dating a vampire. Actually I think I'd rather date a werewolf - all that hair woild be like having your favourite teddy with you and they are nice and warm (unlike a vampire) so would be lovely to curl up with, all toasty.

  4. Petty Witter: Nice to see you again! Ah ha! So I suppose if asked which team you are on (from the Twilight series), you would be Team Jacob (werewolf)! =0) Interesting choice...although, I can see the whole teddy bear thing, and warmth would be nice too.....(still Team Edward at heart though).

  5. Great review!

    I always root for the good vamps. The ones that struggle to be good despite their plight. IE Angel (from Buffy) but my all time favorite is Mick St. John from the tv show Moonlight.

  6. Juju: Hi there, Juju! *waves* So the bad ones trying to be good is your pick....hmmm, I see the appeal! I liked Angel on the show too, but towards the remaining episodes, Spike tried to pick up the "good guy" banner too. I've never seen Moonlight, but I did hear that despite it being a short run show, it was pretty good!

  7. Hmmm... I don't see myself dating a vampire anytime soon. I actually haven't read any vampire books other than the Twilight Saga (I should fix that). This book does sound pretty interesting! :)
