Thursday, November 5, 2009

Food for Thought: Freekibble HI-5 Event

Wow, it's been a while since I've done a Food for Thought post...sorry about that!  So many books to talk about, the more topic driven features sometimes fall by the wayside.  Not to worry, we have a great one for you today!  The feature of today's post is a wonderful site I stumbled across through Twitter (gotta love those tweets).  They're work is for a great cause any day of the week, but TODAY ONLY they are having an extra special event, thus the spolight is all for them.  What site do I mean?  Why... FreeKibble of course!

This site offers you the chance to answer a trivia question every day!  The result of your answer submission is that they donate 10 pieces of kibble.  It may not sound like a lot, but it does add up!  They currently have 13 shelters on their monthly donation list and has also made several large one-time donations to other shelters in need!  (Psst:  A little insider's secret...even if you don't get the answer right, they still donate the kibble for your attempt.  Some of the questions are really fun and informative, so give it your best shot!)

The special event I alluded to earlier is going on TODAY ONLY!
For every visitor that plays Bow-Wow Trivia today, your daily donation of kibble will be multiplied by 5!  (That's 50 pieces from one little trivia question!)
The event is being sponsored by Halo, Purely for Pets so why not take a moment out of your busy day to help feed some of the many homeless dogs across America...and have a little fun too!


One more thing...they also have Meow Trivia that works the same way on a daily basis, although they are not in on the special event.  Feel free to visit this portion of the site as well and help donate kibble to some hungry meow-ths!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Oh that is the cutest thing ever! I have to pop over now & help :) My cats are demanding I do.

  2. Bella: Yes. That's exactly what their Meow is saying...feed wait...feed more LIKE us. =0)

  3. This is a great idea! It kind of reminds me of, but instead of ric, it's kibble. I'll definitely be stopping by. I love trivia. Thanks for the heads-up!
