Saturday, November 7, 2009

Food for Thought: National Bookstore Day

Hi there! *~*waving*~* Welcome to a special Saturday (well, here at least) edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  Why is it special?  For many reasons, indeed.  First and foremost, if you are reading this the day it posts (so saying today would have been easier, but I liked the roundabout way for this sentence), then YOU are a true follower!  (I *heart* you!)  No links have been sent out (at least not until tomorrow or Monday) tweets about the NEW POST.  Nope.  You came here just to read the new topic or review of your own accord.  (Big smile on my face right now....BIG smile.)  Secondly, the topic that we are shining the spotlight on today hits near and dear to every book bloggers heart....for it's....

Don't you just love a day dedicated to the celebration of bookstores and their diversity?  Publisher's Weekly has a great little article posted regarding the event, but it basically boils down to this... The event was created to aid in the promotion of bookstores across the country to draw new customers in. 

Now you and I do this on an almost daily basis.  Between book blogs (like this one), Twitter book chats, visiting author sites, seeking out publisher sites, etc, etc....the online community is definitely a good assistant to help build that push some readers need.  We are not trying to sell the book, only share our thoughts, opinions and experiences.  If that helps the sales increase for that book, so be's just a natural result of someone's interest being peaked by another's opinion.  That's sometimes how the best ideas are spawned!  The power of creativity is sparked when the readers interest is while you are out and about today, why not stop by your bookstore and celebrate with a new addition to your TBR list!
(Although I have quite a few in waiting, I probably will too....bad Insatiable Reader, BAD.)

Feel free to leave your comments and feedback!
Until next time....happy reading!


  1. We have a 'day' for just about everything else here in the UK but not a national bookstore day - yet. In the true spirit of the event though, I suppose I should pay our local book shop a visit. I don't know, the things I force myself to do. LOL.

  2. Happy National Bookstore Day! Yay, what a wonderful day. I think I'm going to go visit the two big bookstores today, lol. Just to show some love.

  3. I wish I had money to buy a book right now. But I don't :(

  4. Ahhh, books wonderful books! Yup, thanks to blogger I check most blog posts without being linked to them :)

  5. Petty Witter: Oh for shame....making yourself go buy a book. How will you ever survive? I definitely commend your attitude toward the inevitable outcome. LOL. =0)

    Bella: There you go! Spread the love and the joy of reading!

    Yay! Reads: Same boat over here...not to worry, you are supporting it in spirit!

    Yunaleska: Smart! Very smart option indeed!
