Friday, December 11, 2009

Dessert: Your One Stop Fun Break Shop! (4)

Hi there!  I hope that you've had a great, I'm more than ready for the weekend.  It's been a long 5 days and yet they flew by in the wink of any eye....crazy, huh?  Anywho....for some reason this year's Christmas season is a little nuttier than usual for my family.  Still don't have that elusive Christmas tree and the prospects don't look good for getting one until early next week.  *SIGH*  Then you have the weather that can't decide if it wants to drown us in rain, or freeze us out.  Did I mention that our lovely outside display was truly magical?  Operative word was....Mother Nature is playing havic with two of the spiral trees and one of the animated deer.  Every time we come home the first thing I do is....see what has to be picked up and reset again. *DOUBLE SIGH*  Oh well, what are you going to do? 

Today's post is a blast from the past....or at least the past that is on my blog.  Yes, my is the long awaited return of the 'dessert' post!  Yaaaayy!  Whoo-HOO!  The picture for today's edition is SO perfect!  There are no copyright infringements to worry about as the sign was personally bought by me and is hanging on my wall as we speak.  Check it out and see if you don't at the very least smile....

See?  Now don't you feel better?


Until next time...happy holidays and happy reading!


  1. Wait a minute, you lured me in with the word "dessert" and there are no gingerbread men? How about warm cherry cobbler?

    I just made myself hungry. Off to search for sweets...

    Hope you get a gorgeous tree next week!

  2. That is pretty cute! I hope Mother Nature figures out what she's doing soon.

  3. Yes, I must confess I feel loads better now. Thank you.

  4. Love the sign! Although once I saw the word dessert, I was hoping for some cookies...*L*

  5. Pop Culture Nerd: LOL. Thanks! I do too! =0)

    Juju: Perfect, isn't it?

    Cleverly Inked: =0)

    Melanie: Yes, you and me both!

    Petty Witter: Glad I could help! =0)

    Alexia561: Hmm, seems like this post title made a few people hungry...LOL.
