Friday, December 18, 2009

Dessert: Your One Stop Fun Break Shop! (5)

Hello, everyone!  We're counting down the hours, wait, okay 1 hour and about 40 minutes until the contest for I USE TO KNOW THAT ends, so if you haven't entered yet, time is running out!  What are you waiting for?  Go, go, go!

In light of my seriously busy day and serious need for destressing, today's post will be rather short and sweet (pardon the pun...what pun? know because the post is called dessert?)...don't worry I'll make up for it with a wordy post next time around....promise!

Gotta love these!
This one was actually selected at random from a stack of my favorites and by jov, it is SO perfect for today!  (Happy did you know this would work on so many levels?)
(Oh and to cover any copyright scan courtesy of my 2009 Happy Bunny desk calendar!)

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Award for you

  2. Cleverly Inked: Thank you so much! *TEAR* will proudly display it very soon.... =0)

    Alexia561: *SMILE* I couldn't resist it...gotta love Happy Bunny!
