Sunday, December 6, 2009

Spreading Holiday Cheer: Book Blogger Holiday Swap

Happy holidays, everyone!  Yes, it's that time of year and you know what that means....time is harder and harder to come by!  With the decorating, shopping, presents....the list goes on and on and alas, your online life seems to suffer.  (Sorry!)  Well, we'll just have to make each and every post count that much more!  Anywho, speaking of presents....(hehehe, gotta love this time of year...)...guess what I received on Friday?  Give up?  Let me give you a have to sign up to participate by mid November and you get to play Santa Claus to someone else as well as be a recipient of some holiday cheer! (Got it?  I knew you would...)  Yes indeed...I received my gift from by book blog buddy as assigned by......

...the Book Blogger Holiday Swap!

While the person I was assigned shall remain a mystery (for now at least....gonna make sure they received their gift and liked it too....), I will happily share my spoils.  On Friday, I received a fun little email....from Borders....with a $20 e-gift card!  (Yippeee!)  My fabulous holiday swap Santa revealed is....Book Crazy Jenn!  (Book Crazy is the name of her blog, not something I just added there.)  Thanks, Jenn!  Stop by and check out her blog when you get a chance (say, after reading my post...)...not only is the layout really something with the vivid colors and pictures, but there is some great stuff over there too!

Have you been part of the official Book Blogger Holiday Swap or perhaps participated in one of your own?  Feel free to share your tales of spreading the cheer of the holiday season in the comments! 

May all of your wishes this season come true and until next time....happy reading!


  1. Oh thats so fun! I got mine last week and I was thrilled to get a lovely gift wrapped book off my wish list in the mail! :)

  2. That's so fun! I haven't participated in any swaps yet---maybe next year. Just wanted to stop by to say Happy Holidays. Hope you get lots of cool presents!

  3. Sheila: That's great! Doesn't it just make your day? I mean receiving the preent but also giving one? =0)

    Pop Culture Nerd: I highly recommend this one! It was a lot of fun! Happy Holidays to you as well and thanks for stopping by...great to hear from you! =0)

  4. I'm glad you're happy with your gift :)

  5. A lovely idea. I was so disappointed that I was too late to join in this year, will be better prepared next year.

  6. Aren't book gift cards the best?!!
    Well done, Jenn.

    Feed Your Need to Read - I LOVE that :D

  7. Nymeth: Thanks! =0)

    Petty Witter: You missed it? Ah...*HUGS*. Gotta mark your calendar next year... =0)

    Mary: You said it! Glad you like the phrase! It just came to me when I thought of the blog title... =0)

  8. Ooh, nice! Now you can get whatever book most appeals to you :-)

  9. Yay! I love gift cards, they really are the best gifts some times because then you can get whatever you want.
    My blog was up a little too late to participate this time around, but next year I will for sure! Happy Holidays!

  10. how fun is that holiday book swap! i'm kinda sad i didn't hear about it but i'll be sure to sign up next year :D

    and how cool about borders... what a fun holiday gift :)

  11. hmsgofita: Thanks! =0)

    Aarti: Exactly!

    The1stdaughter: Totally agree! Sorry to hear about you missing this year's fun, but definitely mark your calendar for next year!

    chelleyreads: I definitely recommend it...lots of fun! Now, I have to decide exactly what to get!
