Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Taste Testing Tuesdays (6)

Good morning (or whatever time it is where you are), everyone!
Welcome to another installment of Taste Testing Tuesdays!
Taste Testing Tuesdays was inspired by 'Teaser Tuesdays', a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading

On the menu this week is a sample of two books I'm currently reading.  The first is a carry over from last week (yes, my friends, the holidays are even limiting some of my reading time) that I must say reminds me of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood novel (in a good way I asure you).  The second book is the 7th installment in an ongoing series from a very prolific author indeed.  Let's take a sample, shall we?

I dashed into the street and placed Miz Hobbs's brassiere on the rear bumper of his cruiser.  Written across the trunk above the splayed-out brassiere was the single word I wanted to be in the picture:  P-O-L-I-C-E.  I snapped the picture and high-tailed it home, laughing the whole way. -- pg 206, Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman (ARC)

"Can any of you cut up a person's body?" Yuki asked.  "Can you imagine what's involved in dismembering a human being?  I have a hard time cutting up a chicken. ..." -- pg 252, 7th Heaven by James Patterson


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

*Grab your current read

*Open to a random page

*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)

*Share the title & author, too, so that other participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


Until next time....happy reading!


  1. oooo the 7th Heaven one sounds brutal but intriguing :)

  2. This is a great post! How much do I love that cover of Saving CeeCee Honeycutt? I want to hang it on my wall.

  3. Juju: Definitely. I started reading this series a while back...it starts out with "1st to Die"...good series...can't wait to get into this one!

    Sheila: I know, right? I absolutely LOVE the cover. It is beautiful....and the story thus far is good as well!

  4. Brassiere - now there's a word you don't hear too often these days.

  5. Petty Witter: LOL. I know...when I opened the book to a random page for the post, I almost died laughing when I saw the passage... =0)
