Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Twas the Night Before, the Night Before!: How Murray Saved Christmas by Mike Reiss

Happy holidays to you, fellow insatiable readers!  I hope you have all finished your shopping (score 1 for me!), wrapped your presents (minus 1 for me....), and are either traveling to or reached your holiday destinations of choice (hmm, will be score 1 several hours from now).  Christmas time is here.....Happiness and cheer....oops!  Sorry, a little musical interlude for you there.....Over the coming days, I will try to keep the posts a-coming, but if there is a lapse, I ask forgiveness in advance as the family doesn't really think tweeting and blogging make the to-do list when celebrating the holiday...go figure.  =0)

Today's choice was a quick read indeed as I finished it in under 10 minutes but went back to spend a little more time admiring the illustrations.  Let's cut through the fruitcake here and get on with the show....the book of choice for today is....

How Murray Saved Christmas
Mike Reiss
illustrated by
David Catrow

It's Christmas Eve and Santa is ready
The presents are loaded, the reindeer all steady;
When what to his wondering eyes should appear
But one of his elves, Edison, that he holds quite dear.
You see, boys and girls,
Ed's the main man,
Coming up with new presents
As fast as he can.
His new invention sends old Santa snoozing,
A replacement driver quick, for time they are losing.
Lucky for Ed,
Murray K's all the rage,
But delivering toys,
Is not how he spends his days.
He owns a small diner,
Popular with most,
Looking for holiday figures...
They eat there, he could boast.
But will Murray take on this new task?
Ed can only hope, as this question he does ask.

WHEW!  Okay, that's the end of the review in rhyme....moving on with the regular program here.  The book is a funny and new take on the classic "Twas the Night Before Christmas".  Written in the traditional rhyme scheme, it flows incredibly fast.  I would definitely recommend making yourself slow down to truly enjoy the story.  To say it was cute, would not do it was fun and imaginative and definitely something I will reread with each passing Christmas.  The jams Murray gets in while trying to fill the big man's suit are quite funny....even more amusing is how he tries to get out of them.  ('ll laugh!)

On a side note...some of you may have expected the funny story as the author, Mike Reiss is a writer for and executive producer of The Simpsons (call me clueless, as I didn't know the name...but I do like the show!).  The illustrations must be given their mention as well....the book is fully illustrated.  Every page has wonder renditions of the story characters and their antics.  As I said, you'll want to be sure and look at each page.  The add-ins are so much fun!  (There's a cute happy pup in the one pic....other holiday figures dining in another....)

This book was purchased by yours truly and happily so!  To all of you out there adding it to your wish list, you won't be sorry!

Happy holidays....and happy reading!


  1. Looks cute, thanks for sharing! Looks like I'm ahead of the game since my presents are all wrapped and ready to go and I don't have to travel. ; )

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones! Thanks again for taking time to read for me. You're the best!

  2. Rebecca L Sutton: You can't see it, but I'm glaring at you right now. (just kidding, but still jealous your wrapping is done!) Thank you for the warm holiday wishes, and for letting me read your work! The honor is all mine, I assure it (it ROCKS! and when it gets published, I can say...I read it back when...) =0)

    Cleverly Inked: I know, right? Once again, it caught my eye when I was but passing by....oh, dear...there's that rhyming again...happy holidays!
