Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Yes, Virginia, there IS a Santa Claus": Random Acts of Holiday Kindness

Happy holidays to each of you, fellow insatiable readers! As I write this post, I am contemplating the many random acts of kindness I have witnessed in the last 24 hours. But really, are there truly any “random” acts? I mean, they appear random in consistency it’s true, but they were all the ends that the act-or intended to reach. (Confusing? Let me clear that up…) In short, these random acts merely appear random because we try to connect their occurrences when we should really just appreciate them on their own. What prompted this post? Ah, curious one…..your answers are forth-coming…

Originally this post was going to be titled “Where ARE you Christmas?”, for it seemed that something was lacking, almost unattainable this season whereas in past years, it flowed abundantly. What was this missing element? Don’t know really…can’t seem to put a label on it still, and yet there is was. Isn’t strange sometimes how you can feel something is off, but you are unable to figure out how to change it?

Anywho…for the most part, today’s events have erased that shadow of doubt and replaced it with the wonder and magic that is Christmas. To start the day off right, work started at a bright and early 7:30 AM….yes, you read that right. One the of the many hats I wear (figuratively, not really a hat person) a few times a week is at our local bookstore. It was crazy busy with the big event being only days away and all, so for most of the day we were on our toes. During a short lull, one of the customers was telling us about something they witnessed at the nearby toy store. Apparently, it was the annual Toys for Tots toy drive today and many shoppers were donating a toy or two during the course of their shopping trip. One lady in particular caught this persons eyes and ears. Her story told of a family on small means, saving what little they could throughout the year in order to buy the two carts of Christmas toys she was currently pushing. No big deal, right? The catch to the story….the toys were not for her family or friends. The savings went to buy toys to donate specifically to the toy drive. Christmas-ey miracle number one.

For Christmas-ey miracle number two, we hit a little closer to home, mine in particular. Today’s economy is affecting everyone in some shape or form. From cut backs, to pay cuts, to lower savings, things happen that can not necessarily be fixed. I think that’s part of the issue this year…it’s hard to really get into the spirit of the season when you are too tired to remember how close it really is. If you are a reader of this site, you’ve probably seen my ongoing saga of trying to get a Christmas tree. Between tight funds and Mother Nature reeking havoc with our plans, it seemed that attaining one was beyond out reach. Enter a mysterious Santy Claus that just so happens to have delivered our inspiring event number two. My step dad works at a store that sells Christmas trees at this time of year (among other things) and was going to purchase one today come heck or high water (Mother Nature, we love you but COME ON already….). Just before it was time for the last purchases to be made, he goes to buy a tree only to discover that someone else had purchased a tree on his behalf anonymously! That’s right….we now have a 6’ - 7’ Christmas tree drying in the garage (yeah, Mother Nature still had her say on the way home with more rain), just waiting for lights and a topper. To whomever the kind soul was that made this Christmas wish come true, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! (Mom was SO excited….she can’t wait to see it set up with LOADS of white lights.)

So I again will quote the famous line heard round the world with a full heart, “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus”. Whether your persuasion is to believe in a jolly man in a red suit and white beard, or simply in the spirit of the season to which the red suit is inhabited by one and all, I send you the fondest of wishes for you and your family this holiday season. Whichever holiday you celebrate, make it special in your own way and remember to share your good fortune and spirit with those around you. You never know how much your reaching out to them might truly mean…

Until next time….happy holidays and happy reading.

(OH, I almost forgot! To check out the original article that this quote comes from, just click here.  ALSO, the contest winner for The Brain Finds a Leg by Martin Chatterton is being contact today…will post an update once I’ve heard back from the winner. Lastly, I updated the music player bear on the bottom right hand sidebar with some holiday tunes, feel free to enjoy!)


  1. Always more good people out there than bad, thanks for this heart-warming post.
    Interesting that you use a Santa smoking a pipe, such images are really frowned upon here in England, the thought of Santa promoting smoking - shocking.

  2. What a fantastic post to wake up to this morning. I love Christmas Miracles!

  3. How wonderful. Thanks for brightening my spirit.

  4. Thank you for your wonderful post! I know exactly what you mean about feeling that this season is lacking in holiday spirit. So nice to hear that there are still so many good people in the world! And congratulations on getting your tree! What a wonderful gift for your entire family! :-)

  5. Wow. I didn't think that the picture of Santa Claus with a pipe was going to cause such turmoil. It was really just chosen since it was a beautiful picture, not to offend anyone. I mean in most of the US movies at least, Santa always has a pipe or something similar. I seriously don't think kids are taking a pointer from Old St Nick on this particular least I never did.

    Petty Witter: Sorry if I offended. No harm was meant.

    Sheila: Glad you enjoyed it!

    Cleverly Inked: Happy holidays!

    Alexia561: *SMILE* So I'm NOT the only one...good to know! (The tree is scheduled to get a makeover with about 700 lights tonight!)

  6. How wonderful! And thoughtful. I've heard so many stories this season of random acts of kindness and it really brings the season into focus. We've even had a secret santa visiting ever night for the last couple of nights and have no idea who it is. Just lovely and it means a lot since this year our Christmas is a little less full of gifts and more of the spirit.

    Glad to hear you got your tree though!

  7. The1stdaughter: I believe I heard a resounding "we understand" on that note. How have a neighborhood secret santa! I hope your Christmas is filled to the brim with the joy and spirit of the season! Best wishes to you and yours!
    (OH and the tree is great! Lights are at the ready to go on tonight...)
