Monday, March 22, 2010

In My Shopping Bag (21)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag from this past week....


For Review

The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place, Book 1:  The Mysterious Howling by Maryrose Wood
(courtesy of Laura at HarperCollins Children's Books)
(This is one is a part of their current AWESOME ADVENTURE sure to check it out!)

House of Dance
The Heart is not a Size
by Beth Kephart
(courtesy of HarperCollins/HarperTeen)

The Life O'Reilly by Brian Cohen
(courtesy of the author)



Possessed by Kate Cann
(via contest from Kim at The Book Butterfly)

Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott
(via contest from Oodles of Books!)

My So Called Death by Stacey Jay + bookmark
(via Twitter contest from Flux Books)
(Oh and yeah, that's Zoe hamming it up in the background...she wanted to make an appearance and who could say no to that face.)

Signed bookmark from Angela Morrison, Easter-type snackage (YUM!), and a Mad Hatter to keep track of the page I've reached in my book
(okay, so there wasn't a return address on this one and I don't recall, nor does my email, winning a cool-ish swag pack such as this so....if you're the one that sent it, THANKS!)


Off on another adventure!
Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Awe!!! What a cutie, Zoe! Now I'm even more jealous that you have a great pet!

    And an Elizabeth Scott book, what a treat...great stuff this week, as always! Can't wait to read the reviews!

  2. I have The Life O'Reilly on my tbr shelf.

    The rest look fab!

  3. Kris: *SMILE*

    The1stdaughter: Thanks! She is a real cutie...and patient while her "grandma" takes a picture from the best angle. ^_^

    fredamans: That's great...small world! Off to check out your post...

  4. Ooh, that Possessed book looks interesting.

    Great haul!

  5. You've got some great selections there! Awesome pic of your furbaby too :)

  6. Ooh, I must look into this Possessed book. Just came across your blog, and I think it's neato!

  7. I`m in love! I am pining for Zoe. Too cutie!

  8. Zoe is so cute!!! Congrats on your contest wins and cool swag! Looking forward to hearing what you think about Possessed, as that's a cool cover. Enjoy!
