Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Living the Bookish Dream: Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk

Hi everyone!
Welcome back to another day here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!
Today we are looking at a light hearted "tail", I mean tale of one bookish little mouse and the place he called home.  Are you ready?  (No seriously...sit down those of you that get faint from bookish delight, this one is a doosey!) 


Sam is just like me and you.  He has a thirst for knowledge, a curious mind, and a love of the written word (hmm, sounds like a lot of the bloggers I know).  The best part?  He lives in a LIBRARY! (I'll pause a moment here so that those of you that fainted can collect yourselves again before continuing....fell better?  Might I recommend a cold compress or some rapid fanning....moving on...) The worst part?  (I know what you're can there be a "worst" part?  He lives in a library!  Trust me here it comes...)  He is a mouse.  It's not bad in and of itself, I mean you are who you's more an unfavorable trait when you wish to explore the library books and know that the sight of you is going to create havoc.  Sam is not an under achiever in any way though, and devises a way around this obstacle.  He has full reign of the library after dark, so once the lights go out, the light in his furry little mind burns brighter than ever as he devours (not literally this time, just figuratively) the many genres set before him.  Children's Literature, Biographies, Mysteries, Fantasy....anything and everything was available for him to peruse. (You must stop hyperventilating or you'll never make it to the end of the review...)

After reading so many wonderful tales, Sam's creative energy began to transform from that of solely a reader to the split persona of reader and WRITER.  **A LITTLE SPOILER-ISH STUFF FOLLOWS BUT THE ENDING REMAINS A MYSTERY** To satisfy this urge, he begins to pen stories of his own....Squeak!  A Mouse's Life....The Lonely Cheese.....The Mystery of Mouse Mansion....just to name a few. He would staple them into little books and place them on the shelves (in the appropriate section too!  Hey, this mouse can visit our local store here any day....) where they were discovered the following morning by curious young readers and the librarian.  Each time a new one was discovered, the readers were delighted but alas, they wanted to know who this mystery author was!  To celebrate their mysterious friend, they invited them to a "Meet the Author" day event they were planning the following week.  As you may imagine, Sam was thrilled by this development, but how could he possibly attend such an event without creating mayhem?  He had to think of a way to reveal the author behind the books that were inspiring these young readers to try new genres without revealing his true form...*think*think*think*.  No worries, Sam is a well learned little mouse....just wait and see what solution he came up with.... (yes, I'm going to leave you me, it's worth it!)

I picked this book up while wandering through the bookstore a week or so ago purely for the title.  That's right!  I hadn't heard of it nor seen the cover...all I saw was the spine and the title and thought this looks like a cute book indeed!  (Perhaps the "indeed" was left off in my mind, but it definitely caught my eye.)  I mean how many times have you thought about making a library your home?  Besides the obvious draw of an unlimited supply of books to read, there are so many fascinating designs out there that nary a day goes by when I don't see a new picture of something amazingly bookish to behold.  Combine that love of books with beautiful illustrations and a story that is truly inspiring even in this basic storybook/picture book style form for readers of all ages....and in my humble opinion, you have a winner.

Recommended reading for younger readers or those merely young at never out grow a love of reading.  It's one of those past times that is good for everyone from the tall to the small (~waves at picture of Sam~). 

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. I LOVE this! I actually saw this book about 3 or 4 days ago online and thought it was one I would just love. Well, from your review, I know I'll definitely love it! Have to pick it up now. How fabulous that he gets to live in a library! Great review!

  2. I'm SO envious of Sam! I was just telling my husband last week that if our local library had extra space in the back, maybe we could bring a tent and live there for a while, exchanging our services (filing, helping people find books, etc.) for free rent. And we'd live in the mystery section.

    This book sounds adorable. Thanks for featuring it.

  3. Juju: It really was!

    The1stdaughter: LOL. Small world, huh? The ending is really sweet and inspiring for young writers-to-be! If you do get it, let me know what you think!

    Tribute Books: *SMILE*

    Pop Culture Nerd: LOL. You and me both! The mystery section would be rather interesting to live by, always need a good mystery. Adds to the atmosphere. ^_^

  4. What age group would you say its good for? Are the pictures descriptive/

  5. That is so cute!! I love children's books, but living in a library makes it double the fun.

  6. I meant "a character living in a library", although I wouldn't mind moving into a library to read it. I have this dream of having a sleepover in a bookstore, actually . . .

  7. sounds like a gorgeous book for both little and grown up booklovers!

  8. I saw your post over at Book blogs ning and had to pop over! I, too, thought this book was a fabulous read! I think I stumbled across it last year and thought it was most excellent.

    Great post!

  9. Cleverly Inked: The pictures are full color/full page. They are decriptive in the sense they convey a library and books/stories in general, nothing questionable. I'd say it's probably aimed at a starting age of 3 or 4 and then goes to infinite beyond that.

    Bookfool: That sounds like a nice dream! (and would be SO much fun!)

    mummazappa: Agreed! =0)

    Carrie: Nice to see you outside the NING site! Glad you agree on the book, and thank you for the kind words! ^_^

  10. Sounds like a really cute little story.
