Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Roving Reader

Is it just me or do these covers give you a feeling a deja vu?

Fever Crumb                   Never Cry Werewolf
by                                       by
   Phillip Reeve                         Heather Davis

From the synopsis though...the cover is where the similarity ends.
Check 'em out!


  1. Agreed! I like the softness of Never Cry Werewolf better.

  2. if both were before me and I got to chose one based on the cover art only, I'd chose Fever Crumb

  3. Definitely lookalikes! How funny! But they both look really interesting...hmmm, I think I've seen Never Cry Werewolf around, but not Fever Crumb.

  4. NotNessie: *smile*

    Juju: Same here!

    Dorothy Dreyer: ^_^

    Heather: Hmm..interesting choice...

    the1stdaughter: Same here...except in the store as of late. ^_^
