Monday, May 10, 2010

Special Post: Letters With Character from Harper Perennial!

Hi there!
I hope that Monday is treating you right so far and that it is simply a whisper of the great things to come.  Speaking of great things....just wanted to pass long a rather interesting promotion I just learned about.  It's called "Letters With Character" and it is brought to you by the great folks over at Harper Perennial!  Have you ever wished you could talk with a character from one of your favorite books?  You know, give them advice, profess your undying love...anything from the heart that moved you to think of the possibility of what that conversation might have been....oh, admit it, you have whether in passing or not.  (No worries, most avid readers're in good company.)  Well, here's your chance!  Read on my on....

Harper Perennial presents...

An Interactive Literary Environment

On the occasion of the publication of Ben Greenman’s What He’s Poised to Do (Harper Perennial, On Sale: June 15, 2010) we invite you to celebrate the art of correspondence and WRITE A LETTER TO A FAMOUS FICTIONAL CHARACTER.

Before there was any fiction at all, there were letters. For centuries, letters were the only way for people in different locations to communicate with each other. But letters have also become a rich and complex element of the best literary fiction. The acclaimed author Ben Greenman explores how letters function in life, as well as how they function in fiction in his new collection of inter-linked stories What He's Poised to Do.

Ben Greenman's masterwork of stories inspired by letters offers
fresh insight into the mysteries of intimacy."
--Simon Van Booy.

On the occasion of the book's publication, and in celebration of the art of the letter as a form of fiction, Harper Perennial invites you to participate in its Letters With Character campaign, and to write a letter to a fictional character. The letters can be funny, sad, demanding, fanciful, declarative, or trivial. They can be about a novel, a short story, or a children's book, works both literary or popular. There is only one requirement: They must be written by a real person and must also address an unreal one.

The best, most interesting, strangest, and most moving letters will be collected on Visit the site to see a selection of those that have already been written: a romantic appeal to Captain Ahab, a moving consideration of middle age addressed to a Garcia Marquez heroine, a hilarious challenge to Agatha Christie's famed detective Hercule Poirot.

And feel free to submit your own letters to!

ALSO....after the book release, they are planning to keep the site up with more letter writing fiction "assignments" so one can only imagine the possibilities.
Doesn't that sound like fun?
Special thanks to Amy at Harper Perennial for the information regarding this great promotion!  (THANKS)
Now, to whom should my letter be written.... *ponders*
I'll leave you to ponder that thought as well and look forward to seeing what you put forth in this celebration of creativity for all to see.

Until next time...happy reading!



  1. Oh, I would want to compose a letter to Don Shimoda (from the book ILLUSIONS).

  2. I saw the email about this earlier and it sounds like such a fantastic idea! I may have to throw together a post for it as well, just love it! As for who I would write? Ugh...I really can't think...must give this one more thought.

  3. Agreed on all accounts...including to whom I would write...that's a tough one! ^_^
