Friday, June 25, 2010

Book Blogger Hop...and then some...

Hi everyone!
Happy Friday!
It's that time again!  Time for the BOOK BLOGGER HOP, brought to you by Jennifer over at Crazy-for-Books! This idea was created as another means of finding, sharing, and otherwise connecting those in the blogosphere! How can you participate? Check out the main post on Jennifer's page, add your blog name and link into the MckLinky, and get "hopping" over to the other sites listed to make those connections!
BUT WAIT...there's more...

Today is the Book Blogger Hop...yes that is true, BUT we are also going to take a moment to shine the light on a book networking site that is in danger of closing it's virtual doors!  The site is BookBlogs.NING.  Those that already use it know the power unlocked by posting on it's various boards.  You have the opportunity to communicate with book bloggers and publishing professionals, request ARCs of upcoming titles from well known and growing publishers, sign up to host a stop along a book blog tour for a favorite author or new title you simply couldn't miss.....and that's only the tippy top of the proverbial iceberg.  The most common activity besides those already listed?  Posting links and information regarding your new posts, reviews, and contests!  To sum it all up...if you are a bookish person and haven't used the site yet...why?

Here's the REALLY important part!
As I mentioned, they are in danger of having their virtual doors closed due to site costs to keep it operational.  Tricia created this particular NING Network and has been advised that a plan must be purchased by August 20th in order for the site to remain open.  The cost?  A whopping $500.  Now, according to her stats, the site has nearly 7,000 members and over 1,000 visits each day....if everyone donated even a small amount, it should easily get the site in the clear for another year of bookish fun.  I know times are tough...definitely understand that point, same for me....but every little bit helps.  I donated $5.  How bout you?  For more information on the site or to make a donation, just click here.

Thanks for hopping by the site today!  Whether you are a regular visitor, a fellow "hopper", or swinging through to find out about the NING site, your time spent here is greatly appreciated.  Feel free to share your thoughts and/or comments in the comment section!

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. What a great way to show support so they can stay open, I plan on stopping by later. Thanks My dear for the heads up.

  2. Cleverly Inked: Thanks and you are most welcome! ^_^

  3. Hi! I'm stopping by from the hop. I'll have to go over there and see what I can do too :)

  4. Hopping by. Happy Friday!

    I have got to look up this website. Until I saw mentiosn of it on Crazy for Books, I'd never heard of it--they sound like an organization worth saving.


  5. Katie: That sounds great! Thanks for hopping through... ^_^

    Tiger Holland: It's definitely a great site....check it out when you have a chance! Thanks for hopping by! ^_^

  6. I'm loving the title and the look of your blog! Can't wait to see more!

  7. Happy Blogger Hop Friday! Your blog always looks so cute! :)

    Great idea to post about the NING group! I've found some great advice over there & hope it doesn't have to close.

  8. Found u thru the hop! So nice to 'meet' you! ~niki in AZ, USA

  9. What a great post, made my donation yesterday, I will try to put together a post too.


  10. Ash: Thanks! I hope you enjoy what you discover...

    Em: Thanks! *smile* Yes, the NING site is great for new and not so new book bloggers....hoping it reached it's goal for another year of fun.

    ~Niki~: Nice to "meet" you as well! Hope you enjoy your stay... ^_^

    dollycas: That's great! The more we spread the word....the better the chances are of it remaining live and in action so thanks! ^_^
