Tuesday, June 1, 2010

WINNER: 1 Year Blogoversary Contest!

Hi there, everyone!
Welcome back to another week here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  After the holiday weekend, it's always a bit of a struggle to get back into the swing of things (~raises hand in agreement~) but let's make that "struggle" a little easier for one lucky reader as it's time to announce a winner!  The contest that recently ended was in celebration of my one year blogoversary.  All the well wishes on here, and Twitter....definitely great reminders of why this book blog means so much to me.  The fact that we can share our latest reads, books we are looking forward to, shed some light on titles we may never have given a chance, and of course make connections with fellow readers round the world...it's an online community well worth being a member of.  {{hugs}}  Anywho...enough of my sappy-ness....the winner of two books from my mini-stash is...

#13 - Shannon O'Donnell

Congratulations!  You now have 48 hours to respond to the email I sent you to claim your prize...I'm definitely curious to see what books you will choose.  I've already heard from our winner and she's going with the ARC of Saving CeeCee Honeycutt and the ARC of Winnitok Tales:  The Hunt for the Eye of Ogin...nice choices!  For news of the INTERNATIONAL winner, I turn you over to Nayuleska at Nayu's Reading Corner....just click here.
Didn't win this round?  No worries!  Check out the 'current contests' listing on the right hand sidebar for another chance to win and of course there's more fun in store coming soon!

Special thanks to all my wonderful readers!  It's been a crazy fun year...can't wait to see what's around the bend in the days to come!
Until next time....happy reading!