Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Taste Testing Tuesdays (35)

Good morning (or whatever time it is where you are), everyone!
Welcome to another installment of Taste Testing Tuesdays here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  Taste Testing Tuesdays was inspired by 'Teaser Tuesdays', a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.
On the menu this week ... one book that is still lingering (yes, I WILL finish it this week...) and a second that will be swinging by on a blog tour come next week.
Shall we have a taste?
(Yes, we shall...)

What we call "normal" now will eventually be viewed as cultural carbon monoxide -- the silent killer of logic and good sense, imperceptible until we wake up in ten years surrounded by photos of women wearing sunglasses sized for bullmastiffs on their way to stick vials of stroke medication into their eyebrows.  Looking back, I can't decide which makes me cringe more -- that I avoided speaking to Rachel Hermann about her home life or that I participated in a game that predicted the number of babies I would one day expel from my body as dictated by the first digit of my area code.  -- pg 130, How Did You Get This Number by Sloane Crosley (ARC)

Okay, so as funny as this snippet is to most (including myself) the book as a whole is coming across a bit differently...shall reserve more of that for the soon to come review....

Gem could guess the rest of that.  Rio probably had girls throwing themselves at him.  Come to think of it, given how dangerously good-looking he was, there was part of her that agreed with them.  Only part though.  -- pg 65, The Wordwick Games, Book 1:  Rise of the Fire Tamer by Kailin Gow

 Though the teaser may suggest otherwise, the book is not actually about teen romance...just a smidge is thrown in there.


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
*Grab your current read
*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other participants can add the book to their TBR.


  1. Interesting. Sounds like something I'd enjoy.

  2. Interesting cover!

    If you get a chance, maybe you can visit my Teaser Tuesday :)

  3. The 1st quote is too funny - is the book pretty deep & depressing though? I can't see your 2nd easer but that cover is interesting :)

  4. Not Nessie: Perhaps...would be interested to know what you think if you do!

    Juju: Yes, agreed!

    Mel: LOL, not sure what happened there, I think the blogger gremlins were at it...the second teaser is back up now. The 1st book, not really on either thought. It's more a recollection of events in the life with wordy humor thrown in. Review to come soon.
