Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Taste Testing Tuesdays (45)

Good morning (or whatever time it is where you are), everyone!
Welcome to another installment of Taste Testing Tuesdays here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!  Taste Testing Tuesdays was inspired by 'Teaser Tuesdays', a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.
On the menu this week ... a sampling of teasers primed to fit the tastes of a range of readers.  First up, a book I'm reading through in a genre I don't usually read.  Second, a Kid's Fiction book that happens to be the companion to one I read last year.  Last but not least, my rebellious book choice for the upcoming Banned Books Week celebration.
Are ya ready?

Frank grabbed his suspenders, pulled them out, then gently maneuvered them back to his chest without snapping them.  He swallowed and puckered his lips, shuffled his feet, crossed his arms over his chest, all the while looking increasingly uncomfortable.  "You haven't heard yet, have you?"  -- pg 121, Divine Appointments by Charlene Ann Baumbich

HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY to author Charlene Ann Baumbich AND this the second installment in the Snowglobe Series as this book hits shelves today!  A review of book 1 is set for this week, so be sure to stop back to get a look inside this interesting series...


I clenched my fists and focused on a spot on the floor between me and Mr. Cabot.
Above us, Sarah Jane opened and closed her bedroom door again -- SLAM! -- and again -- SLAM!  SLAM!  SLAM!  Reminding everyone that, just because she was upstairs in her room, she hadn't disappeared.  -- pg 119, Scumble by Ingrid Law (ARC)

The first book, Savvy, in this series was a great reading adventure perfect for readers of all ages.  This installment?  As good as gold and even better....

Miss Maudie opened her front door and came out on the porch.  She looked across the street at us.  Suddenly she grinned.  "Jem Finch," she called.  "You devil, bring me back my hat, sir!"  -- pg 77, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Believe it or not, this is the first time I am reading this book in it's entirety.  Just in time too...it's my selection in honor of Banned Books Week!  What book will YOU be rebelliously reading?


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

*Open to a random page
*Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
*Share the title & author, too, so that other participants can add the book to their TBR.* 


Until next time....happy reading!


  1. I always giggle when I see suspenders used in this context - here in England suspenders keep up your stockings and braces keep up your trousers.

  2. The first one has a really interesting cover. And I like the tease, too.

  3. Such great teaser's today. I love the cover of Scumble, its awesome!

  4. Petty Witter: Really? Huh. I suppose I can understand the giggle...I'm doing that right now at "braces"! See...here "garters" hold up your stockings, and "braces" are worn on your teeth to straighten them. This situation totally brings to mind a book I read called ACROSS THE POND. If you haven't read it, you should check it out. ^_^

    NotNessie: Agreed! Love the snowglobe pics, SO pretty..plus the tease is getting a lot of mileage!

    agirlreads: *nods* The book is GREAT too! Loved SAVVY so I kind of was hoping this one would be good... ^_^

  5. Hope you're enjoying To Kill A Mockingbird! I got to go see the play in Monroeville a few years ago and thought it was awesome!

  6. I LOVE the cover of Divine Appointments! It's so pretty and it sounds like a great read.

    I also really want to read the Savvy series, it looks so so good!

    Great reads this week! :o)

    PS...I've yet to read To Kill A Mockingbird as well, I know I should, but I just can't do it yet. Ugh.

  7. Love your teasers. I so adore To Kill a Mockingbird, it will always be a favorite:)

  8. Melanie: So far, so good! ^_^

    The1stdaughter: Agreed (on the cover)! You DEFINITELY should read the SAVVY series....way to much fun to miss. LOL on the lack of reading TKAM...seems like MANY have heard of it, maybe even watched it, but not as many have read it. Correcting that for myself now...

    Jenny: Thanks and good to hear about TKAM. So far, so good! ^_^

  9. Hmm it's weird the differences in places where you live and use of words. I can't wait to hear what you have to say about TKM

  10. Oh, it's been too long since I stopped by! I need to get Scumble - it seems too good to miss. :-)

  11. I'm actually wanting to read this one....

  12. Cleverly Inked: Agreed! Yes, TKM..so far so good. Review should be up next week. Stay tuned..

    Shannon O'Donnell: Hi there! Yes...where HAVE you been? ^_^ Agreed on SCUMBLE...definitely a fun must read...

    Patty: Great! Which one did you have your eye on?

    Carrie: ^_^ Yeah, as soon as I read it I was thinking...like kids/teens/adults have never done THAT before, oh wait, we have!

  13. Heard what I wonder? Good teasers!

    My teaser this week is super late and therefore more of a Thursday Teaser :)
