Sunday, September 12, 2010

WINNERS: Archvillain Wannabes Contest!

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers!
We have a rather exciting week ahead what with BBAW 2010 going on, but I wanted to sneak this post in before the festivities begin...and hopefully give a jump start on a happy week for a few lucky winners.  That's right!  It's time to announce a few winners.  The entries have been tallied, has done their assigned task and we have our winners.  Congratulations to....

Christina @ A Reader of Fictions
aka 'The Sarcastic Bandit'
You've won (1) SIGNED ARC of Barry Lyga's upcoming book, Archvillain!
...the runner's up...
Linda Henderson aka 'Masked Grandma'
Okie aka 'Garnished Orange'
You've each won a swag pack consisting of promo cards for three of this author's books!
Congratulations to each of you!  Since everyone opted to include their mailing information (YAY freedom of choice!), I'll be sending your prize packs out today or tomorrow for speedy delivery.  Why?  That's just how I roll...hehe...
Special thanks to author Barry Lyga for the opportunity to read, review, and pass along this great upcoming title.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this book and his other published works, check out his website!  To all of you that entered, THANKS!  You rock.  No really, I mean it and your archvillain names definitely provided a few laughs!  To all those who didn't, well what can I missed your chance to win a REALLY good book, so yeah, that's a big fat neaner neaner neaner to you on that, but as luck would have it, there's still an open contest going on right now and you never know when another might start so go ahead!  Take a chance.  If you don't try, you'll never win.

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Woo-hoo! Congrats everybody and thanks GMR. :)

  2. Okie: You're very welcome. Thanks for entering!
