Friday, January 7, 2011

Letters to Alice by Lindsay Below, Guest Post + FREE Read!

Happy Friday everyone!
The first full week of 2011 has come and gone (well, "going" technically, but you know what I mean).  Are you in front of the proverbial eight ball so far...or running as fast as you can to catch up?  Hopefully it's the former, as for's a combination, all depends on where you are looking at the time, but you know what?  That's okay.  No worries, hakuna matata, and all that jazz.  It's a new year and sweating the small stuff is not going to be a part of my vocabulary (or at least that is what I am going to tell myself and try to MAKE true...fingers crossed).  Anywho...
Just a reminder that the two contests currently listed on my site are quickly drawing to a in fact ends tonight and the other this Sunday.  So if you'd like a chance to win any of the great prizes up for grabs, check out the right hand side bar for the "Current Contest" listing.  In keeping with the vein of "fun" and "books", I thought that I'd keep things light this week as we all get back into the swing of things.  and this little post was just the ticket for the first Friday of the year.  Why?  Well, not only is by a YA author and about a's about a FREE book the author is offering via their site as a holiday surprise for readers round the world.  May I introduce to you, YA author Lindsay Below!


Letters to Alice - FREE READ

The greatest wish of any writer is to have readers enjoy their books. If you’re carried away in something I’ve written, then I am very pleased. It is with that thought in mind that I now offer you Letters to Alice, a young adult story, absolutely free. You can find or download this story here.

But what is it about?

Letters to Alice details the lives of two teen girls. Every summer, their father shuts them away in separate rooms in the basement, there to dwell out of sight until the school year comes around again. But instead of being isolated, these two girls have found a way to communicate. They pass letters through a small hole in the wall separating their rooms.

But when Liz finds out that she failed English and has to make up the credit in summer school, she’s ecstatic. For once, she gets to leave her dusty old room behind and socialize with her peers like a normal teenager. But the longer she’s out in the real world, the more she worries after her sister Alice. And the more she worries, the more she’s determined to break them free…

You can find out more about me at my website, Happy holidays to everyone, and I hope you enjoy the book!

-Lindsay Below


Isn't that a nice surprise?
Special thanks to author Lindsay Below for the mini-guest post as well as the opportunity to check out this particular title.  Sounds pretty interesting to me, how about you?

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. How generous - I'll be sure to download this.

  2. Wow. Their dad sounds like a sick b*stard. Fascinating.

  3. *bows* Thank you, thank you LOL. I hope you do decide to download and read this! And if you do, I hope you like it :) This was a strong piece that, for me, just had to come out.

    Thanks for having me, Insatiable Readers :)

  4. Uh, what a interesting story and yes, dad seems a bit of a jerko. Great idea to offer it for free to get the word out there!

  5. I love to give away free reads. I write so many things that they're often scheduled for release far in the future (such as my young adult science fiction novel Lurkers, coming from MuseItUp Publishing on July 1st, 2011). Offering something shorter like Letters to Alice for free makes me feel like I've accomplished something. There it is. And I hope everyone enjoys it, however dour the theme.
