Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Book that Left Me Speechless....

....otherwise known as my adventure reading through a book celebrating it's birthday today that you simply MUST READ.

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.
Today's a busy day indeed what with the 'teaser' post earlier but trust me....it's well worth the double stop over.  If you haven't heard of the book featured today, oh boy.  I do suggest you get yourself to a bookstore PRONTO in order to capture a glimpse of this marvel.  Of what book am I gushing about?  Oh heavens!  You don't know?  Here it comes.  Today's book of choice and HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY celebrant is....

with illustrations by

We open upon a scene of utmost importance and yet equally unremarkable.  In frame one, we meet young September.  No, not the month...the girl.  Please do keep up.  Young September is washing polka-dot tea cups and pondering her mundane world where nothing interesting tends to happen when all at once the Green Wind pays her a visit.  What's that?  No...not THAT kind of "green wind".  This one is a person...well, sort of.  Anyway...  He appears rather smart in his green ensemble topped off with a matching jacket as he sits astride the Leopard of Little Breezes....so smart in fact that when he offers to whisk young September away to the borders of Fairyland, despite the slight insult to her character that slips by, she readily accepts.  Wait, you were surprised?  Well, how else were we to reach the events described in the title?  *shakes head*  What awaits her is a land beyond her wildest daydreams.  What awaits her twists the head and boggles the mind.  What awaits her is the adventure she has been waiting her whole life for....now if she can only get a proper pair of shoes to start it off right.  Where is a pair of ruby slippers when one needs them?

It's whimsical, it's magical...and I have a rather unsettling urge to wish you a merry un-something or other.  BUT....while there is tea of sorts and desserts/food aplenty (though being Fairy in origin, one may want to be careful), there are also green smoking jackets with pride of their own, lanterns that do more than light your way, and a key with not only a purpose but a mission.  It would do fine and well, well and fine in fact to compare it to several infamous predecessors that one can't help but be reminded of.  Off the top of my head, it has quite a mix of all the elements we love from tales such as Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and a bit of Peter Pan....but my fair readers, it is merely in a general form as opposed to actual function because short of any of its other aspirations, it is a wonder all its own.

The characters a memorable and with a set this large, that's certainly saying something.  I for one can get bogged down if too many characters are introduced...at least in the memory department of who is who but despite having finished the book last week, I can still recollect most of the names (September, Saturday, Green Wind, Betsy, Marquess....need I continue?), put a face (if they had one) with that name and recall their role in the story.  Pretty good when you consider how fast we devour books since details can slip by with the whisper of the Green Wind.  (^_^) 

Like any fairytale worth its salt (no no Saturday....not literal salt...hush now) there is a longing for more than one's current surroundings, a rescue, a capture, an escape, a recapturing...and an ending boiling in surprise and steeping in wonder.  Yes...it is a large and lengthy list of ingredients that went into the making of this literary stew, but if I do say so myself....they got the flavor JUST RIGHT.  Great for young readers looking for an adventure and to (inadvertently) increase their vocabulary....seriously a few words in here even YOU (yes adult readers...I'm looking at you) may have to look up, I know I did.  Wonderful for young adult readers as they unravel the many word plays and mysteries that abound.  Fantastic for adult readers ad they take a trip back to childhood days of reading the previously mentioned old favorites and marvel at just how that magic was recaptured for today's readers once again.

Still not convinced this is the book for you?  Oye...you are a hard one aren't you?  Okay....let's have a looksie at the fabulous book trailer.  I warn you.  You may be have to watch it twice for the FULL effect.  Ready?  Here goes...

Fun, right?  Seriously...I had to watch it twice the first time through (okay, contradiction in terms there, but you know what I mean); once for the scenes and another time for the music.  And now....a few random thoughts that simply would not stop buzzing around in my mind that I must share.  The dedication...watch out for it.  It's rather touching and yet fun all at once.  The Dramatis Personae or the "who's who" page reminded me of another author's fantastical work (*ahem*..cough...Lisa Mantchev...) but is a welcome site indeed....especially with the cast of characters that inhabit these pages.  It's rather nice to be semi-properly introduced beforehand...and to have something to fall back on should a name get crossed in your mind whilst on your adventure.  Speaking of introductions, the artwork at the start of each chapter is a welcome insert indeed.  Not only do they help outline a bit of what will occur in the chapter to come WITHOUT spoiling it, they provide that extra visual aid for proper story creation in your imagination so your creative juices can focus on the more important things...in this case, unraveling the story.

In short, a book that you will be hearing much about in the coming days...and with good reason!  Readers of all ages are sure to have a fantastic time navigating the trials and troubles of Fairyland whilst adults and young adults get to contemplate a thing or two on a whole other level.  I for one can't wait for the next chapter in this fantastic adventure...provided there is one.  (Anyone know for certain, PLEASE put my mind at ease...okay?)
Review copy received courtesy of Ksenia at Feiwel and Friends. (THANKS!)  For more information about this book as well as their full catalog of wonderful reading adventures, be sure to check out their kids site, teen site, blog, or follow along on Twitter!  For a chapter sample, look at the artwork, music and more...be sure to check out the book's page on their site specifically...or click here.  ^_^ To find out more about the author or illustrator, feel feel to check out the links strewn throughout the review. 


Now, as previously mentioned (slightly...hehe), this book is celebrating it's book birthday today and what better way to celebrate than with a review, right?  Okay...okay.  So there is one thing that might make it even better....how's about a giveaway?  _falls down_ Whoa!  That was a pretty big scream of delight there.  Warn me next time, okay?  I'm glad you're thrilled and trust me...you won't be sorry. Here's the scoop....

The prize...

(1) copy of The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making by Catherynne M. Valente

How to enter...
...fill out THIS FORM!
(It's easy peasey....no extra entries, just one for all and all for one!)

The rules...
*Open to US/Canada mailing addresses only!  No P. O. Boxes please.
* Entries will be accepted from Tuesday, May 10th, 2011 through Friday, May 20th, 2011 at midnight CST.  The entries will be tallied and entered into the random.org randomizer, after which a random number will be picked by their number generator.  (This way all the entries are mixed up nicely.)
* All entries must be submitted using the form accessible through this post.  You MUST include your email address in order to be counted as well as contacted should you be chosen as the winner!
*The winner will be announced and contacted via email by Monday, May 23rd, 2011 and will have 48 hours to respond with their mailing address.  Should they fail to respond in the given time frame, a new winner will be chosen.  If you choose to include your full name and mailing address in your contest entry, no worries....the time frame issue is erased.
*Winner's name and address will be forwarded to Ksenia at Feiwel and Friends for prize send out only and then discarded.


So, that's all she wrote.
Now, if you'll excuse me....Saturday is looking for a wrestling partner and I have a wish or two that's needs filling.  Hey, Saturday...wait up!

Good luck one and all.
Until next time...happy reading!


  1. I read this in the online version and I'm SO stunned by the artwork I've seen in the book trailer etc. that I HAVE to pick up the print version. It's just gorgeous, to go with gorgeous writing and a wonderful plot. YAY!

  2. Well, if your wonderful review hadn't convinced me that this was a book I had to have the video certainly did. Thanks for the recommendation and goos luck to everyone who enters the giveaway.

  3. The book is beautiful. The read looks wonderful too. I just gave one away too. Great contest!

  4. I LOVED your review! This really is such an incredible read. I love how it's a mish mash of past fairytales, but not really. It definitely stands on it's own with it's own characters and adventure. Certainly one I hope my kiddos read as they get older. Fantastic review!

  5. How amazing is that trailer! I was already in love with the title, now I can't wait to read the book :)

  6. Kate @ Candlemark: It is, it really it! Fabulous all around. ^_^

    Petty Witter: Absolutely! If you read it, I'd love to know what you think....

    Liz: *gasp* You gave it away without a read? _faints_

    the1stdaughter: Thanks! ^_^ Agreed all around...and yes, I think Littlebug and Turkeybird will LOVE it in coming years.

    Misha: I know, right? Book trailers aren't usually my thing, but this one definitely scored high points.

  7. Great review. I probably wouldn't have given this book a second glance in the store, but now I really want to read it. Thanks!

  8. What an awesome review! It sounds amazing, I'll have to put it on my list of books to read! :)

  9. Okay, okay, you've sold me on it! And after that wonderful review I hope you're getting some royalties off every book sold! :)

  10. NotNessie: Huh...isn't it funny how covers can speak to some readers and not to others? If you do end up reading it, I'd love to know what you think! ^_^

    Dorothy Dreyer: Thanks! Happy reading!

    BookMarc Blogpants: I did? *fist pump* As for the other...if only! But alas...it is purely for the joy of reading. Now if there happens to be a publishing job somewhere down the line I certainly wouldn't be opposed.... ^_^

  11. This one sounds so fun, I first saw it over on There's a Book & it just gets cuter and cuter, haha :o)

  12. Great review! I watched the book trailer a while ago and that convinced me to pre-order the book. I can't wait to read it.

  13. Sounds FANTASTIC. I can not wait to read it. Great review.

  14. This looks spectacular, and your review is amazing. I am going to have to track down a copy soon!!!
    Thanks so much for introducing me to this book.

  15. Juju: It was, it truly was. ^_^

    Coreena McBurnie: My pleasure! Love sharing great reading.... ^_^

  16. I checked this out on Amazon after reading your tweet, and I was intrigued. Now I've read your review, and I know I have to have it. It sounds absolutely delightful.


  17. Thank you for the chance to win and for your wonderful blog!

  18. I've heard this book is made of awesome! Thanks for the chance to win =D
