Monday, May 9, 2011

In My Shopping Bag (78)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag this week....
I Used to Know That:  Shakespeare by Liz Evans
(courtesy of Ruby at FSB Associates)
Ah's the Bard and what better way to get reacquainted than through this charming book series.  This should be interesting....

The Most Beautiful Walk in the World: A Pedestrian in Paris  by John Baxter
(courtesy of Harper Perennial)
This one sounded enchanting.  Almost combines a travel guide to the city of lights with a literary back story as the author is said to have given walking tours of the city's literary history...aka author's favorite haunts.  Curious....

Read My Hips by Kim Brittingham
(courtesy of Jonathan at Crown Trade Paperbacks / Random House Inc)
What can I say?  I don't usually do selp-help or self-esteem books, but the quirky title on this one combined with the ironically timed arrival of the pitch worked together to gather my interest.  We shall see if it keeps it....

Shoot for the Moon by Corinne Humphrey
(courtesy of Chronicle Books)
Again with the ironically timed arrival of this book....I admit it, I read it upon arrival.  It's really quite wonderful in it's simple way and great for so many reasons.  Review to come soon....

Viola in the Spotlight By Adriana Trigiani
(courtesy of HarperTeen)
First, how adorable is that cover!  Nice colors and look at the cutie puppy!  *ahem*  Having not read the first book in the series, I'll be correcting that problem post haste (a copy is winging its way to me now) and then, then we shall tackle this interesting book.



The Box by Richard Matheson
I did not see the movie however the DOES look intriguing.  We shall see.

That's it for this week.

What did you get?
Do tell!

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Viola in the Spotlight By Adriana Trigiani has an awesome cover. I have not tried any of this author's books yet. I bought Very Valentine recently - I hope it's good.

  2. Quite the eclectic collection this week! Can't wait for reviews.

    Do they have a "I Used To Know That" EVERYTHING edition? Because I need that one...

  3. Glad to be back in blogosphere, I've missed my visits.

    A great collection of books in your shopping bag this week. I'm afraid my self imposed book ban was non-existant this week - I won a book, bought 2 and have ordered another 3. What can I say apart from I wasn't well and needed cheering up.

  4. Oh, I had a feeling you'd pick up Shoot for the Moon! Love the cover! And I think you will absolutely adore Viola, Trigiani is one of my favorite "Chick Lit" authors. I'd definitely recommend reading the first books in the series before reading this one though, it will help a lot.

    Great haul! Hope you are having a fabulous week! :o)

  5. Misha: From what I've heard, she's GOOD. Can't wait to hear what you think of the VALENTINE one! I remember the cover...really pretty.

    NotNessie: Ah yes...eclectic is my middle name. ^_^ (Oh and if I find that edition, I'll get two for each of us. )

    Juju: Thanks!

    Petty Witter: Nice to see you again my friend! Hope you're feeling better. Ah yes...there are a few things that will severely impede a "book ban"...sickness is among one of those acceptable cases. Happy reading!

    the1stdaughter: But of course! Good timing too. Can't wait to check out VIOLA....all signs point to a promising read (just waiting on book 1's arrival). Have a fab week my friend!

  6. The most beautiful walk in the world has me peaked.
