Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Shakespeare Who?: A Review and Refresher

Hi there readers.
Congratulations on making it to the halfway point of another week.
Hopefully it's treating you well and if not, it who's boss, kay?

Today's post features a title that will show YOU who's boss, that's for certain....or at least one that will teach you a thing or two about someone we all know in some fashion.  Who might that be?  Wait for it....wait....all will be revealed in  Today's book of choice is....

Stuff You Forgot From School
Liz Evers

A fairly clear and concise guide to all things "Bard", this book is like an ultimate Cliff Notes to his life, times, and work.  If you've ever even shared a passing fancy in one of his plays or sonnets, this book will not only take you on a walk down memory lane, but show you the off shoots and side streets you may have over looked the first time around. 

Miss the point of Richard III?  No problem.  --flips pages-- As it seems, this was the infamously wicked character that loved to draw the audience into his odious acts making them a party to the "crimes".  Never heard of The Winter's Tale?  Welcome to my world.  --flips a few more pages-- According to the brief glimpse at the play transcribed here, it seems that the events may have been a story merely told on a cold, dark night...well, for starters at least.  Recently assigned or besieged with questions from those who have been assigned reading from Hamlet, MacBeth, or The Merchant of Venice?  Your window of "salvation" has been opened, and the curtains thrown aside making way for you to read all about it.  However, summaries and play breakdowns are not all that await you within these pages.....

Along with the infamous is the less than known filled with unexpected facts to flesh them into existence.  His life and journey through it start us off.  His imagination and creativity spill forth with the many word creations and meanings associated to him and his work; being a fan of word play, he was a writer after out own hearts.  His many quote-worthy writings are cleared up to reveal their accurate accounts.  There's even a glossary of characters should you be at a loss when faced with a reference and need a quick clarification, plus a selection of several dozen quotes from those same beloved "souls".

In short, it's a book for the young and a book for the old, equally across the board.  Whether being newly introduced to his work, or getting a clearer understand of one's past reads, this is a great reference style guide to keep on hand for those moments you desire to "Shake" things up a bit.  Just remember, his work was meant to be performed so no matter how strange or twisted they appear on paper, all things look different when played out on the stage.  The spotlight is ready...what shall we perform first...

Review copy received courtesy of Rubyna at FSB Associates.  (THANKS!)  For more information regarding this book as well as their other featured titles, be sure to visit them online, or follow along on Twitter.  Now available in a store near you, this title can be purchased through most major retail outlets. 

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. As you say Shakespeares works were meant to be watched rather than read and for that reason I'm not too keen on reading this though I know several students who would find it useful.

  2. Sounds like a perfect read for someone who is afraid to read Shakespeare's works. I might need it myself to refresh my memory - it's been so long since I read anything by him.

  3. Petty witter: Alas, foot in mouth syndrome strikes again. Well, perhaps the students you know would benefit.

    Misha: Exactly! A little sampling without ruining the entire experience. ^_^

  4. Ooooo I'm with Misha. This sounds perfect for me.
