Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Roving Reader

As soon as I saw this one arrive at the store I thought....I KNOW that cover...why do I know that cover?  Turns out it's the sequel to a book I purchased (umm, last year...ahem) that looked oh-so-bookishly fun (Fly By Night) and well, this one reeks of potential as well.  Opinions anyone?  Have you read the first book by chance?

Fly Trap
Frances Hardinge

What caught your eye when out and about this weekend?
Do tell!

** The Roving Reader is a MEME type feature created by yours truly to share those book covers spotted when out and about that catch your eye for one reason or another. Want to get in on the fun? You're welcome to use the MEME, just give a little credit love. Simply snap a picture of your recent find and post away! Happy reading! **


  1. I LOVE the art cover, the drawing is so... mesmerizing! Isn't it? I haven't read the first part, though, so i will look around for that one first!

  2. The first book was one of my favorites of 7th grade - I'm rather jealous that you have a copy of the sequel. :)

  3. How do you come across books with such amazing covers!? I love the painting on the cover.

  4. Evie: Agreed on all counts. ^_^

    SusieBookworm: Oh...hang on...misconception. I don't actually have this one....just saw a copy in store. ^_^ (well, YET that is...hehe)

    Misha: Just lucky I guess....LOL. ^_^

  5. O I love it. I want to know more. I think what I like best is her curly hair.

  6. I LOVE this cover!!! I have not heard of this, nor the first one, but am going to have to check them out now!!!

  7. Juju: It is a bit unruly and yet mysterious is it not? ^_^

    April: Woo-hoo! *high five* ^_^
