Friday, July 15, 2011

Boo to You from 43 Old Cemetery Road

Hi there!
How are you doing today?
Fine I hope.  This intro started out WAY different when I was initially writing this review.  Why?  Well...

...that was before the WONDER that is HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 was out in theaters and before I saw the midnight showing of it in 3D.  Yep.  It was SO worth the 3D for this one.  It was great, it was stupendous, it was...the end.  -sad face-  But I digress....we can always revisit that wondrous world in books and movies, that's the beauty of it all.  If you've seen it, share your experience...just avoid spoilers (well, not that there are spoilers story wise, I mean come on....we've all read it, right?)!  If not, you are in store for greatness.  Now, back to the review.  Where was I?  Oh yes.  I was tired....

I'm on the tired side of things but it could be worse, right?  Just taking things one day at a time, after all we have the advantage of change being just around the corner when others...aren't quite so lucky.  How so?  Ah, now to answer directly would spoil the surprise, but if you allow me to introduce today's book of choice...I'll see what I can do.  Deal?  Good!  Without further adieu, today's book of choice is....

43 Old Cemetery Road:
Til Death Do Us Bark
Kate Klise
illustrated by
M. Sarah Klise

In this third installment of the 43 Old Cemetery Road series, the fate of Mr. Noah Breth (get it?) is our main event.  He has joined the ranks of Ms. Olive C Spence (I love the play on words in the names), that is to say he has passed on to a better place and now the fortune he left behind is left to be claimed by his two undeserving and spoiled children....Kitty Breth and Kanine Breth (I kid you not, those are their names).  To make certain that only the best of these two non-optimal choices gets their hands on the dough, he's hidden it in a secret place. and left clever limericks all about the town to guide them to his most prized possession. 

Mean while, the old homestead (43 Old Cemetery Place that is) has a new arrival in the form of a beloved but lost dog named Secret.  As all good people do, Seymour Hope (the young lad and illustrator residing at this house) is instructed to seek out the dog's owners but until claimed...he is there's.  Seymour couldn't be more happy....though the neighbors may not be quite as thrilled with all the barking.  It seems like everything is falling into place and another happy ending is in least until secrets of another sort start rearing their ugly head.  Will Secret find his way to a happily ever after?  What of Kitty and Kanine's fortune?  My suggestion, find a quiet reading nook and settle in for a little mystery you'll want to read all about.....

I discovered this series a year or two ago thanks to NetGalley (the first one I read being book seen here) and wouldn't you know it...that's where I discovered the third installment in the series.  Gotta love it, right?  I have always been a fan of letter books such as The Jolly Postman know, where you read the story but there are also fun pull outs along the way of actual letters written by the characters?  Yeah, they are too much fun (and if you haven't seen them, I DEFINITELY suggest you do regardless of your age, they are a blast).  This book series combines those elements into one with the actual STORY being told through people's letters, posts, menus, newspapers and the like.  Any form of the written word is fair game and that's literally how the story progresses.  Sound interesting?  It is, trust me.

You see, the resident ghostly author of 43 Old Cemetery Road, one Olive C. Spence, has passed on (well, that actually happened in book one I believe, but I've not had the pleasure of reading that one unfortunately, so I can only assume) and her preferred method of guessed it, writing.  It's not only her authorial nature that makes this a natural choice but also her desire to preserve this art form that seems to be slipping by the wayside with the advancement of all forms of technology...and aids in creating a wonderful series.  The author's (and illustrator's) way of sharing the details of the events happening keeps things fresh and creative inviting readers to use their imagination to fill in the blanks and showing you that pictures can speak a thousand words (because they are included as well from none other than the character by the name of Seymour Hope) but 1000 words sure go a long way too.

Despite having missed books one in the series (which I need to remedy some day), I continue to be right on top of the story as it progresses.  I'm left neither lost nor disconnected from the events taking place, leading me to believe that no matter where you are when you start the series, you'll be just fine.  Did I mention I love the word play employed throughout?  Especially when it comes to the names!  Seymour Hope....don't we all want to see that?  Noah Breth....describes his current state quite well.  Kitty and Kanine comment (*grabs box of mints*).  Just try not to laugh as you uncover each citizens name as well as their matching profession....good luck with that.  ^_^

All in all, the story is simple enough, but not so much so that it's enjoyable to those outside the target age group.  You'll laugh.  You'll smile.  You'll have a great time and be ready for more....I know I am.  Review copy courtesy of Houghton, Harcourt, Mifflin and read via NetGalley.  (Thanks!)  For more information on either publisher or promoter, be sure to check out their sites and follow along on Twitter!  This book is now available at a bookstore near you so be sure to keep an eye out for it as well as the next installment of the series due out later this year.   As I understand it, it deals with phantoms.... 0_0

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. 3d you say? Sounds fantastic! I can't wait to see it.

  2. I watched HP 7 part 2 yesterday! And you're right - it was fantastic! I usually don't like 3D, but I changed my mind this time. I loved it! But I am so sad that this is the end :(

    Til Death Do Us Bark sounds like an cute, enjoyable read. Thanks for the review!

  3. Noah Breth - I get it.

    So glad you enjoyed the last HP. If only I could watch it in 3D - I have vertigo and 3D knocks my balance completely.

  4. There were so many juicy bits of goodness in this book! The names, the illustrations, the puns, the letter/newspaper style, etc. Good, Clean Fun.

  5. My son, his girlfriend and her sister all went to a HP festival - all of the movies in a row, with an hour break between each. I think he's still recovering, but they had a great time and thought the 3-D was done well.

    Somewhere around here, I have a copy of the original Jolly Postman book from my bookstore-clerking days. It's a really cute book. I didn't realize they still had a series going. Cool.

  6. You amaze me with the books you find to read. I'm still so out of the Independent reader stage. i do quick snapshots at the library to recommend to our kid patrons but I havent' been reading a bunch in full. :(

    Harry Potter is my plan for today. Air conditioned theater and popcorn. ACES!!!

    So sorry it's been awhile since I've commented. I havent' been blogging much this month. :(
    take care, my dear.

  7. The Jolly Postman, SOunds like a good one for my lil one.
