Friday, July 8, 2011

WAT!: Nikolas and Company: A Creature Most Foul by Kevin McGill

Hi there, insatiable readers!
It's Friday....woo-hoo!
Here's hoping your weekend plans are all in order and everything comes off without a hitch.  Times here have been crazy busy, but what's new right?  Blog wise, we saw a few varied posts this week including a tour from Chronicle Books for their recent YA release, Spinning Out by David Stahler Jr.  Be sure to check it out becuase...well A)  it's good; B) there's a chance for you to win a copy all your own!  So just check out yesterday's post or click on the 'Current Contests' link in the right hand side bar.  Moving on....
I was lucky enough to partake in a recent 'First Look' event for a new children's title coming this September to a bookshelf near you.  It's a fantasy type adventure with creatures galore but enough human heart to reach a wide my opinion of course.  ^_^  Hmm...I think I feel a post coming on...because really....


The WAT! MEME stands for 'What A Tease!'.  It exists to showcase those samplers and book excerpts that you've read and wish to highlight to some degree on your site...yet you have not had the chance to read the entire book for a review....thus, the "tease" aspect.  Have you run into this problem as well?  Feel free to "borrow" this MEME and post away!
Now on to today's feature...


A Creature Most Foul
Kevin McGill


What to say about this one?
It seems the city of Huron is calling for its protector, its stop the Rones from committing a peril to one and all.  Sounds ominous, right?  What if I told you that message was being conveyed mentally, ESP-ish if you will, to a 14 year old boy....from another time...on Earth....the former brother of Mon?  Yep....things just got a bit more interesting.

With Merrows and scuccas and all other manner of fantastical beasts and devices, you are in for a wondrous adventure to say the least.  I was skeptical at first, given my penchant for disliking high fantasy novels at times, but this one keeps it grounded enough for the likes of me  The cast of characters is wonderful.  From Nikolas to Grand (his grandfather), Tim (his disbelieving brother) to the Wendell sisters (comprised of a shopper, protector, and chef in the making)....even Xantheus and Daniel (fantasy gamer and grand-high science geek respectively) bring their own flair to this motley crew.  The chapters transition the story between character voices and time frames smoothly, never leaving you behind in the stardust.

Final thoughts...what a tease!
I can't wait for the full book release this September.
If you're on the edge of your seat and simply can't wait to get a taste of this one for yourself, problem solved!  The author is sharing the 'First Look' experience with readers round the world now on the book website, so go ahead!  Download the first 100 pages and see for yourself.
Special thanks to author Kevin McGill for the sneak peek.  Be sure to check out the book's website for more information (and don't forget to follow on Twitter!) and mark yor calendars for the upcoming book birthday.

So what have you been teased with of late?
Our wish lists are tell!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. I love the sound of the book! I like high fantasy, though I haven't read a lot of books in that genre.
    Now I am off to get the "first look".

  2. Fantastical beasts and devices - oh, I like the sound of this.

  3. hehe wat, love this!

    i can see why you cant wait

  4. How cool that you've hooked up with Kevin and read his stuff. I interviewed him last year and thought his book sounded awesome ... epic, even! Great review of the sneak peek! :)
