Friday, August 26, 2011

BLOG TOUR: Repairing Rainbows by Lynda Fishman

Hiya readers!
Welcome back to a special Friday edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  Why is it special you ask?  Good question.  Today is special due to the guests we have stopping by the site courtesy of the Tribute Books blog tour for Repairing Rainbows by Lynda Fishman. 

You may well recognize the book as something you've seen around here before...if so, good eye!  (If not, no can get acquainted with it in a moment. ^_^)  It is a book that I've featured once before, January of this year to be precise (wow....doesn't seem like THAT long ago) and one that was difficult to review.  How so?  (Gee...aren't we full of questions today...) The difficulty stems from the genre that the book belongs to....the memoir.  Non-fiction books, especially ones recounting intimate details of a person's life present a challenge unique to themselves because really, how can you discount what a person says or shares when its from real life experience?  It's a touchy subject but one that I believe can be tackled if it's approached honestly and openly....sharing your experience with the work and writing as opposed to the actual topics covered.  That's what I aimed for in my initial review and for my efforts, it was received rather well. 

When I heard about the upcoming tour from Nicole at Tribute Books, I wondered if there was a way to participate in order to share the author's story with you once again in a new way.  The's guest post.  Author Lynda Fishman was kind enough to indulge me once again and share with us an interesting analogy of her life story in comparison to....The Wizard of Oz.  Read on my friends, read on....


Guest Post:  Author Lynda Fishman
(Repairing Rainbows)

Throughout our lives together, people have been shocked when they hear our stories. When they ask how we've made it through all these years, and we seem so normal, we always said that you deal with what you have to deal with -- what choice did we have? But looking back, I realize that we did have choices. We always have choices. And we made choices. People don't always choose to deal with things the same way.

When I think back to those early teen years, I realize that it occurred to me, even then, that my life was comparable to Dorothy's in The Wizard of Oz. Like Dorothy, I intuitively understood that the decisions and the planning for the direction of my life was up to me.

Dorothy and her little dog Toto, were caught in a tornado and swept away to a land beyond the rainbow - the land of Oz. She didn't just stand there. She didn't walk aimlessly in circles. She embarked on a courageous quest to find a way to return home.

She chose to lean on the wonderful people she met as she followed the Yellow Brick Road - the people who were caring, positive and sincere - Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, the Munchkins, The Scarecrow, The Tin Man, and The Lion. Following the Yellow Brick Road together, they did their best to dodge the bad guys -- the ones who were miserable, negative or mean - The Wicked Witch of the West and the Flying Monkeys.

Sometimes Dorothy is a damsel in distress to be rescued by her friends, and other times it's the reverse, with Dorothy rescuing her friends. Throughout the story, Dorothy chose a direction, she stayed focused and optimistic, and she held onto her hope with persistence and determination.

Is that where the rainbows in your book's title come from? [I've been asked.]  The whole Dorothy thing was a memory (that I had totally forgotten about) that came to me when I was recently writing a speech. When I listened to the words in the song Somewhere Over The Rainbow, I was blown away. So it wasn't inspiration - it was validation!
Well said and certainly an interesting post, don't you think?
To check out an excerpt of Repairing Rainbows, click right here.
Interested in purchasing the title?  Here's a few more links to get you started...
Amazon     Chapters/Indigo       Kindle
Special thanks to author Lynda Fishman for providing that wonderful glimpse behind the scenes and to Nicole at Tribute Books for the chance to bring you another dose of this inspiring work.  (THANKS ladies!)  For more information on the book as well as the author's continuing efforts to help provide a positive influence in the lives of others, feel free to check out her website, or follow along on Twitter.  To check out all the excitement on the tour, be sure to stop by the official site.  Last but certainly not least, to find out more about Tribute Books be it their blog, publications, or book tours, be sure to click on the links I just left along the way and by all means, follow on Twitter...I know I do.
Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Gina, your support of Lynda and her book is just phenomenal. I remember first being introduced to Repairing Rainbows through your review. After leaving a comment on your post, Lynda was kind enough to personally get in touch with me to thank me for my interest in her book. What a remarkable woman, right? And none of this would have happened without your blog - so thank you, thank you, thank you! And I'll see you on Twitter :)

  2. I really enjoyed reading this book. What a story!
