Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In My Shopping Bag (85)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag from this past week....

For Review
The Cheshire Cheese Cat:  A Dickens of a Tale by Carmen Agra Deedy and Randall Wright
(courtesy of Emily at Peachtree Publishers)
What can I say?  Both the cover AND the title caught my eye from the start....but then reading a bit behind the cover (and the mention of Dickens) had me hooked.  Watch for this little beauty to be swinging by the blog when the tour stop lands right here October 5th....in the mean time, read all about it right HERE.

Bedbugs by Ben H.Winters
(ARC {and poster} courtesy of Eric at Quirk Books)
Okay at first glance the title with the cover can give you the heebee geebies, but once you open the book...okay, well it can still do that with the random illustration or two ~shudders~ but the story sounds like a winner and I'm all for that.  Just don't think I'll be reading this one right before bed.... O_O   Release date is set for September 6th (as of this post)...for more information in the mean time, click right HERE.

Southern Fried Women by Pamela King Cable
(Review copy courtesy of Julie at Satya House Publications)
This collection of Southern tinged short stories is sure to please the seasoned palette, but what about a transplant from the North (aka moi)?  I'll be curious to find out (and will be doing so later this year), but from the sound of it....my hopes are set high.  This book celebrated its bookish birthday August 1st.  Click here to read all about it...

Drummer Girl by Karen Bass
(ARC courtesy of Coteau Books)
From our friends to the North, this was a surprise arrival on my doorstep but I gotta say....it looks good!  Publication is set for September of this year, but you can find out more right now on their site....and a little birdie told me that there may even be a chance to win a title or two going on right now as well, you know if you like shiny little ARC's.  ^_^


That's all for this week!
What did YOU get?
Do tell!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Yay! I'm glad you got Cheshire Cheese and I am SO excited for the tour! Yay all over the place! : )

  2. Woot! I got the Cheshire Cheese kitty too :oD Yay for blog tours and the awesomeness of Peachtree!

  3. Southern Fried Women looks cute! The cover reminds me of the movie Beaches. I will be looking forward to your thoughts on this one :)

  4. Love Peachtree books! I'm on the tour for Cheshire as well and I can't wait.

    And yeah, Bedbugs...ugh. I actually saw this one and couldn't get past the title & the cover. Eeck! Who knows? I could be totally wrong. :oP

  5. Southern Fried Women looks amazing! I'll definitely be looking forward to seeing your review. I love books about the south today.
