Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Red, Green, and Justifiable Eatings

Hi there readers!

Welcome back to another day and another review here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  Last night was a reading success story as I finished a fun title that I've been working on in dribs and drabs....alas, it's not the feature of today's review as I need to gather my thoughts about it first, but I've got a great one for you nonetheless.  It's an unexpected little read that I stumbled upon while breezing through the NetGalley site ( and well, once I read the title....I couldn't pass it up.  Ready for the big reveal?  Here we go.  Today's featured title is....

Honestly, Red Riding Hood Was Rotten!
Trisha Speed Shaskan

For instant access to the cover, take a quick second to scroll to the bottom of this post...since I typed and published it via Blogger app on my phone, I don't get the benefit of choosing its placement.  Anywho, back to the review.

Now this is a side of Little Red (and her Grandmother) that you've never seen before....though you may have wondered about it at some time.  Taking its cue (in my opinion since it reminded me of it so much) from 'The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!' by Jon Scieszka.....wait wait wait.  Hold the phone.  You do know about that classic with a twist children's storybook...right?  It's the one by the Wolf himself that brings a whole new light to the events we had only previously seen through 3 little piggy sets of eyes...and as we all know, there are two sides to every story and boy oh boy can they differ.  Now back to THIS story....

We have another wolf penning his tale in an effort to shed a light of truth on the events Miss Red and gang exposed the first time around.  This time, the wolf is painted as the victim of circumstance and the ladies Hood...well, as narcissistic, mono-tone wearing gals who need to SERIOUSLY step AWAY from the mirror.  In other words, what happened next was justified and the wolf was merely in the wrong place at the right time.

Hmm,  I wonder...but then again if they really were that superficial what with that gorgeous red cape and all, how long would it take one of us to huff and puff and blow some sense into them?  Okay, so now I'm mixing fairy tales ala 'Hookwinked' (which by the way was a surprisingly good movie....if you haven't seen it or its sequel, definitely recommend checking them out), but you get my point.

To summarize, a cautionary title of being self-absorbed and traveling alone in the woods with baked goods that's good for the whole family.  The humor may hit home with older readers more, but the story itself along with the gorgeous illustrations (really, they're pretty brilliant) will capture the attention of one and all.  Take a chance and see the classic story through new eyes....and see just whose side you believe.

Ebook read via Aldibo app on my smartphone thanks to NetGalley.  (Thanks!)  To check out this title as well as their full catalog, visit them online at or follow along on Twitter (  This title was released from Capstone and is out there and ready for your reading pleasure.

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. hehe, This sounds fun. And yes, I DO know that classic-twist you speak of ;o)

  2. Great review! I loved The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, so will have to check this one out!

  3. Love your recap. This sounds like a fun one.
