Monday, September 5, 2011

BLOG TOUR: The Familars and 'A Title Fight', Guest Post

Hi there everyone!
Happy Labor Day to you.
Hopefully you are enjoying the extended weekend with your friends and family, but if you are among those that have to "labor" today (*raises hand*), then rest assured you're in good company.  Anywho, on with the news....

Today I am pleased to welcome a very special guest, or rather guests, with an EXCLUSIVE revelation regarding their amazing series.  Curious as to whom that might be?  Wonder no more.  Please welcome the minds behind the fabulous series The Familiars, authors Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson!
~massive amounts of applause~


by Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jacobson

You've probably heard the saying, writing is rewriting. Well, as an author, you always have to be open to change. Even with your book's title. When we first submitted our book, THE FAMILIARS, to publishers, it was called THE FAMILIARS: ANIMAL WIZARDRY. We thought that adding the phrase ANIMAL WIZARDRY would help young readers understand what might have been a foreign term to them: familiars, or animals who cast magic. But our experienced editors at Harper Collins (US) thought that it would be catchier if the book was just titled THE FAMILIARS. And we absolutely agreed. But not everyone did. In fact in England the first book of the series is actually called THE FAMILIARS: ANIMAL WIZARDRY. And in other countries, like Germany, the word Familiar is not used at all. In fact, when translated, they just called the book ANIMAL WIZARDS. And this is our favorite: the Japanese title is translated as ALDWYN THREE FAMILIARS WITCH BLACK CAT ADVENTURE JOURNEY.

When it was time to come up with titles for book number two, we had quite a few rejected before landing on SECRETS OF THE CROWN. They included CROWN OF THE SNOW LEOPARD, PATH OF THE FATHER, PAWS OF DESTINY, SONG OF SECRETS, and PATH OF DESTINY.

A title can be some of the most important words of an entire book. You have to capture a reader's interest immediately. A parent or teacher must be persuaded to pick a book up off a bookshelf. Sometimes they come to you immediately, other times they change until the book is completed.

We can tell you here exclusively that we've already come up with the title for The Familiars Book Three.

.....and coming in 2012 THE FAMILIARS: CIRCLE OF HEROES.

SECRETS OF THE CROWN is in bookstores and online September 6th. You can learn more at
You heard it right here folks!
So now you have a title to add to that ever growing wish list, or rather two; I know it'll be on mine for certain.  Look for more about this great series soon, right here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers as I read my way through the adventure.  In the mean time, be certain to check out all the excitement to be had at the official website, Facebook page, and of course....Twitter!
Special thanks to the folks at HarperCollins and both of these fabulous authors for the chance to participate in their amazing tour.  (THANKS!)
Until next time....happy reading!


  1. Thanks to the intro to Adam and Andrew. A fascinating read, it was interesting to see just how different titles were used. A book I would certainly read - loving cats I thought the cover quite beautiful.

  2. It's so so true, I title can make or break a book just the way a cover can. SO important! But I'm glad to hear their editors knew what they were doing (with maybe the exception of Japan, LOL). Loved this insight into the series! Great post!

  3. Petty Witter: I think you'd really like it Tracy...sorta an animal version of HP.

    The1stdaughter: Yeah...sometimes the ones abroad to US eyes can appear a bit..."out there". ^_^
