Monday, February 20, 2012

In My Shopping Bag

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.
Through her guidelines, your post does not actually have to be named the same and thus my post shall be..."In My Shopping Bag".  (just fits with the "foodie" theme a bit better in my humble opinion)
Let's take a peek inside my shopping bag this week....
Summer on the Moon by Adrian Fogelin
(courtesy of Emily at Peachtree Publishers)
Watch for the blog tour for this new title to make its way to a site near you (*ahem* including mine...^_^) this April!

Killer Bytes by Alan Williams
Another blog tour making the rounds this April, but I think it's safe to assume this story will be along a totally different line of thought.....

The Secret of Castle Can't by K.P. Bath
What can I say?  I've never heard of it before but the cover called to me and the book blurb kept my attention.  Can't wait to see what this castle is all about....

These all arrived courtesy of my friend and bloggy buddy Nayuleska...and serve well in illustrating my eclectic taste. ^_^  Let's see, we have...
Green Angel by Alice Hoffman
This one was a result of an interest I have in book two....but one can't start midway through a series!

Beastly by Alex Flinn
Been curious about this one from when the movie was buzzing around online.  Heard mixed reviews of the film, but the book...still makes me curious....

I Am Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne
Okay, so THIS one probably raised a few eyebrows.  ^_^  Let's just say he's not a "big star" from my day music wise (though a song or two off his later albums did catch my ear) but I did happen to see a few episodes of the Osbourne show back when it was on MTV and really, a family that "interesting" has got to have a pretty colorful past.  Hence, the book....

The Luxe by Anna Godbersen
I guess it's safe to assume you know I post these books in the order I pick them out of the pile because yeah, this choice is certainly a contrast to the last book there.  I became aware of this series a while back when the publisher had a "free read" online.  Having made it a considerable ways into the book...the promotion ended. Bummer....but it gave me another title to eventually seek out and TADA!  It has been sought....  ^_^  Curious to see if it continues to hold my interest but at the very least...LOVE the cover!

Friday Mornings at Nine by Marilyn Brant
For those of you not acquainted with this author, may I introduce you to a FAB WRITER and great tweeple!  She's such a sweetheart and her books thus far have been a total joy to read....and considering that's two out of two, I'd say that's GREAT odds!  That being said, I've yet to read this particular work by the author and so it only seemed fitting to add it to the "to read" list....

Okay, so perhaps rescued in light of the titles I'm featuring here is a bit of a stretch...perhaps this time around it should be entitled "ARC-arrivals-in-store-that-I-happened-upon-first-and-snagged-as-my-own-for-now".  ^_^
11th Hour by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro (ARC)
Release Date:  May 7th, 2012
Publisher:  Little Brown and Company / Hachette Book Group

Chomp by Carl Hiaasen (ARC)
Release Date:  March 27th, 2012
Publisher:  Knopf Books for Young Readers / Random House, Inc.

That's it for this week.
So what do you think?  What did YOU get?
Do tell!

Until next time....happy reading!


  1. I hope you love The Luxe Series as much as I do! Historical Gossip Girl. I'll certainly be checking out your review once you get around to it.

  2. Nice collection! Couldn't agree more that the Ozzy book will probably be interesting! Be sure to let us know what you think! And love the cover of Green Angel! Enjoy!

  3. Love Beastly and really enjoyed Green Angel. Enjoy!

  4. Melanie: Now see that's where it surprised me that I was enjoying it the first time around...historical is not really my cup of tea. *surprised*

    Alexia561: Definitely will... ^_^

    Juju: Cool! I'll take that recommendation...
