Friday, February 17, 2012

Perhaps most of all, the love of...


The pure and simple joy of this shared pastime is like no other for it is in that literary escape that we are all princesses and princes, knights in shining armor and queens upon thrones, anything and everything we might ever imagine and then some.  That's the beauty of it. It gives us a chance to explore other versions of our selves without ever leaving our front door.

So go ahead...pick up that book you've had your eye on. You never know what world awaits you until you turn the page.  I hope you've enjoyed this week of book love...stay tuned for more as my journey through the pages continues.

Until next time...have a great weekend...and happy reading!


  1. Belle is one of my favorite Disney characters! Totally with you on the reading. Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Gotta love Belle!! She's the best Disney princess ever! And yep, reading is definitely love! Best way to describe it :)

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

  3. What a lovely post. Reading really is my sublime happy place. So much so that sometimes (when I need to recenter) Mr. Whimsy tells me to go read :)

  4. kimba88: Thanks! Birds of a feather... ^_^

    Alexia561: ^_^'s easy when talking about a passion...

    Melanie: Mine too! Hope your weekend is fantastic my friend!

    Megan: Agreed!

    Juju: Wow...totally there with you. Have a great weekend Juju!

  5. I took my cousin's daughter to see this movie in 3D a few weeks ago. It was such a treat to see it on the big screen for the first time since it was released in the early 1990s. And I'm with you, Gina, you can't help but be struck by Belle's love of books. What a great movie, huh?

  6. Tribute Books: Definitely there with you on the love of books AND seeing this one on the big screen. It was fabulous! ^_^
