Thursday, February 23, 2012

ROTFL...or is that ROTFT?

Hi there!
Welcome back to another fantastically exciting day here are Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…where the posts are always fresh and the reading is piping hot (well, not like THAT, but you know what I mean…).

Today’s post is all about the funny.  You know, the HA HA HA moments that make us lose a few calories throughout the course of our day (no, it’s true!  Laughing helps you burn calories…HA! < - - See, there goes a few more!).  We start out with something that is funny or rather will be funny to many of you…at my expense but hey, I’ll survive.  It’s my first venture into an “old-to-you-but-new-to-me” frontier and man is it throwing me for a loop!  What is it?  Facebook.  *-*  ~pauses to allow you time to compose yourself again~

Yep, that’s right; now even I’m on Facebook…or at least my blog is.  ^_^  Twitter I can handle, blogging…no sweat.  Facebook?  Strange country that FB is.  So many wait to share and be shared, like and not like, friend and un-friend…a whole other ball of yarn with the terminology too.  ~shakes head~  Crazy stuff but I’m starting to get the hang of it…well, the sharing part anyways.  So feel free to ‘like’ or ‘friend’ (or whatever the right term is) my site over on the old FB too.  Having also added a new ‘share’ section to the right hand sidebar is proving to be pretty nifty as well…connects right to FB, Twitter, Google+...the works.  Now, speaking of sharing…

One of the things I’ve consistently heard about FB is how “dangerous” it is.  *blink*  Okay, well ANY social media site can be if you don’t employ a little common sense, I mean really…do you ALWAYS click on that link that user J&SKAUH sends you?  Yeah, that’s what I thought.  Really though, there is an aspect of the site I was quite surprised to see and to put it simply it boils down to…the over share.  It surprised me greatly to see that I can not only find out “John Smith’s” name and email, but his phone number, place of business, schooling, address, significant other, and on and on and on.  *-*  Just seems a bit TOO much at some point there…but maybe that’s just me…or maybe not. 

The “or maybe not” up there leads me right into today’s post ironically enough as it stems from the Teaser Tuesday quote I shared in yesterday’s post which by the way I know was posted on a Wednesday but hey…I had guests on Tuesday!  (Still following me?  Good…it’ll be worth the ramble, promise. ^_^)  Two quotes were shared, one from each title I was reading at the time, but only one fits the bill for today’s discussion and frankly it makes (in a more humorous way) the same observation I just made about info shared on another social media outlet. So you see, it’s not JUST me that sees this aspect of the online world, but I digress.  I promised you a FUNNY post and gosh darn it all, you’re gonna get one! 

Today’s post hits the social media (virtual) nail on the head and gives you a great many laughs along the way…plus a new person to follow if you’re not already.  It was an impromptu read that spoke to me from the shelf.  No, really…I heard it whisper…or tweet.  Ready for the main attraction?  Today’s book of choice is…

the tweets of Steve Martin

WARNING:  Reading of this review has been found to cause spontaneous Twitter following of one stevemartintogo.  Even said blog owner as succumbed to this epidemic as well as a bloggy buddy or two JUST from the teaser post.'ve been advised....

Okay, so the title alone is enough to make one pause when browsing the shelf…add to that the content for those of us that use the blue birdie site and you’ve got yourself a winner.  Simply put, it's a collection of his many tweets starting with the mundane ones we all send when just getting started to those calorie burning funnies that continue long after the first 140 characters appeared on the screen thanks to the connections we’ve made…also known as our fellow Tweeples and their gloriously original reactions, statements, and general conversation carry-on-ers.  (Yep…tweeples ROCK…nuff said.)

I won’t bore you with the details…well, okay, there are no boring details with this one but to get too wordy (as if that would EVER happen here…~whistles_glances away~) would be to spoil the fun and believe me, Mr. Martin does it way better than me.  One of my favorites, besides the one shared yesterday, is the sing along section.  Apparently around the holidays, we would tweet out a line to a carol and you had to fill in the next line of the song.  The results…not exactly Christmas magic but too funny nonetheless.

In summary, he may have intended to sell millions of his books with this release (and his other works) and that could possibly happen, but at the very least he'll be gaining a whole new tweeple audience. *clicks follow*  This book is now available on a bookstore shelf near you from Grand Central Publishing.  For more on this title as well as their full catalog, visit them online, 'like' them on Facebook or check in on their Twitter feed.  To discover more about the author, Mr. Steve Martin (whom I’ve dubbed the “man of many hats” what with his multiple careers…author, actor, comedian, musician, etc), feel free to visit his official website, 'like' his official fan page…or of course, follow along on Twitter.

Until next time…happy tweeting…I mean, liking….I mean READING!

P.S.  For those curious few that may not have deciphered today's post title, THIS is the translation..."Rolling on the floor laughing...or...rolling on the floor tweeting?".  ^_^


  1. Yep, you caused me to follow Steve. AND, like minds: I just blogged about a line from a book too! I ponder what causes us to underline sentences in books. One reason I do it: they're not library books. :)

    As always, I love your energy, woman. Keep up the good work. And lots of luck with FB. After a few years of using FB, *I* still need it.

  2. I'm another one who started following Steve Martin just from your teaser post! See the power you wield? Please use it wisely! ;)

    I'm on Facebook, but don't have a page for my blog. Have debated with myself, but ultimately decided not to as I barely have time to keep up with social media as it is. Have fun!

  3. I'm the opposite way round in that I have a FB page but have never bothered with Twitter, quite why this is I do not know.
    Anyway, good luck on FB, I'll be sure to seek you out.

  4. Ooo, Gina - please leave the URL for your Facebook page - I'll be sure to "like" it :)

  5. I'll have to find you on Facebook. ;)
    I've loved Steve Martin since I was a kid. His humor will forever be a part of my growing up. :)

  6. Charlene: Yay! *high five* LOL on the FB help still needed....glad I'm not the only twitter bird out of water... ^_^

    Alexia561: Yes, kimosabi. I will wield the power carefully.... *serious face*....LOL. Hmm, I hear ya. Right now my Tweetdeck is working wonders for it. Can update there and Twitter at the SAME TIME. The magic of apps...

    Petty Witter: Really....I've heard the same thing from several others too. Hmm. Perhaps we shall also meet there! ^_^

    Tribute Books: ^_^

    Dorothy Dreyer: Awesome! His acting roles are hit and miss with me, but I know of him and have run across his work elsewhere. The laughs. See ya on FB! ^_^
