Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We have a, wait...TWO WINNERS!

Hi everyone!
Time to announce a winner or two of the recently ended contests here at Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  This time around you had a chance to win one Young Adult title and one Storybook.  Without further adieu, the winners are...

Correction...make that NO WINNERS
....for the copy of Lifting the Wheel of Karma by Paul H. Magid courtesy of Tribute Books Blog Tours... *sad face* ....

Juju @ Tales of Whimsy copy of Pink Tiara Cookies for Three by Maria Dismondy + a tiara cookie cutter courtesy of the author!

*and the crowd erupts with enthusiastic cheers*

The winners have been contacted and I'm simply awaiting their response with mailing information.  Should they not respond in the given time frame, I'll draw another name; it's not my favorite thing in the world, but rules are rules.  Special thanks to Nicole at Tribute Books Blog Tours and author Maria Dismondy for the chance to participate in their fabulous tours.  (THANKS!)  For more information as well as their full catalogs, check out their websites through the links above! 
Now if you didn't win this time, no worries...there's still ONE contest up and running right now, and who knows what's on the horizon!  Just remember, you can't win if you don't enter....
Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Lifting the Wheel of Karma is a book that can change your life and the way you look at the world as a whole. It brings to light the interconnectedness of all life, something sacred and precious, that the majority of us cut ourselves off from. Lifting the Wheel of Karma teaches us, through Joseph's eyes, an ancient way of viewing the world and our place in it. Beautifully crafted and packing a powerful punch, Mr. Magid has written a novel that will bring you a sense of peace and fulfillment.
