Thursday, March 8, 2012

READ ALL ABOUT IT: Gone Reading International

Why hello there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…the place that aims to keep you up to date and in the know on all things bookish…cuz you know, that’s how we roll…I mean, read.  ^_^

This has been a week of news, NeWs, nEwS!  Everywhere I turn, there is something to announce (like Dorothy Dreyer’s move from aspiring author to soon-to-be-published author status…congrats!), a new title coming out (ENTANGLED, out now…WALLFLOWERS IN BLOOM, coming soon), or as in the case of today’s post….a new(ish) bookish site that you simply MUST SEE.  Perhaps you’ve heard of it, or stumbled across it on your way through the blogosphere, but if not…I suggest you have your wallet handy, you’re gonna need it. 

*setting blog post level to “induce bookish desire” …now*

The philanthropic mission….to spread "the magic of reading by donating 100% of after-tax profits to libraries and reading-centered non-profits".

You’ve got to a site with a name like that and a mission that starts out with…"Dear Fellow Readers & Book Lovers:  If you’re like me, you just can’t imagine living in a world without reading..."  No, Mr. Wirz…I certainly can NOT imagine that world and frankly, I wouldn’t want to be a part of it either.  (Who’s with me?  We can TOTALLY commandeer a space shuttle and start a new bookish community on Saturn if said dreadful world came to pass…)

I am bookish, through and through…and not afraid to shout it from the rooftops, nay the mountains if necessary…so when I run across things that cater to my nature, it creates that “oh-how-cool-I-must-have-it-now” syndrome many of you are also familiar with.  Rest assured, it happened to me when browsing through this site but with such a great cause behind each purchase, the lightening of my pocketbook is much less noticeable.  (Sneaky site owners…I see what you did…and applaud you for it!  ^_^)  Shall we take a look at a few of my top of the list items?  Let’s see…where to begin. 

Well, there’s the one that would be oh so appropriate for my place of business (and I just might have to see if our team would like to rock these shirts)…

Then, there’s the one for my off days that spells out a perfect day oh so simply….

Tools of the trade for any avid reader or blogger….


Something “old” and yet wanted by so many bibliophiles…I know I’ll be keeping it in mind for readers seeking them because they can be hard to find (bookplates)!

All work (or in this case reading) and no play makes for a boring reader, but with these nifty games, there’s a way to shake things up a bit while not straying too far from the page….and look Jane Austen fans, something JUST for you!



So…have you a wish list yet?
Hope you saved some room on it because this is just the tip of the iceberg; there’s a lot more over at their site that will appeal to your bookish brain.  Now, speaking of their site….there’s a little SAVINGS to pass on to you to help you attain some of these little beauties. 

First, you get FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $25….awesome, right?  Aw, but wait for it…wait….they’ve granted me a special discount code to help you save even more.  That’s right!  Just use….


…to save 25% off your purchase (except their bookends…which are still quite nifty and fall under that free shipping category!)!  This code expires April 6th, 2012 and can be used by you, your friends, your family, your neighbors, your book club….anyone….so feel free to SPREAD THE WORD and share your pic’s of your new bookish treasures!


Special thanks to Bradley Wirz, Founder and CEO of Gone Reading International, LLC for the opportunity to share these wonders and savings with you.  For more information on the company as well as their mission, wares, and reading suggestions (hey, they’re bookish too!), feel free to visit their website, check out their blog, ‘like’ them on Facebook, or follow along on Twitter.


On more thing to share….while I was perusing the site, I ran across an interesting post I simple had to share entitled ‘On Reading’.  It’s a list of the top ten quotes on reading as gathered and voted on by their Facebook Fans….check it out….

GoneReading’s Top 10 Quotes “On Reading”:

  1. “I cannot live without Books” – Thomas Jefferson
  2. “I like big books (and I cannot lie)” – GoneReading founder Brad Wirz
  3. “If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need.” – Cicero
  4. “A library is not a luxury, but one of the necessities of life.” – Henry Ward Beecher
  5. “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King
  6. “I cannot remember the books I’ve read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  7. “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” – Mark Twain
  8. “Never judge a book by its movie.” – J.W. Egan
  9. “The habit of reading is the only enjoyment in which there is no alloy; it lasts when all other pleasures fade.” – Anthony Trollope
  10. “You must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” – Confucius

Pretty cool, right?  My favorite up there would have to be…oh, okay…I can’t pick JUST one….but my top choices would be 1, 6, and 10.  How about you?  Oh, and if you have a favorite you’d like to submit, there’s an option to right on the post….

Until next time…happy reading!


  1. Must. Get. Pride. and. Prejudice. Trivia. Game.

    Also, I'm totally booking a flight on the space shuttle to Saturn with all the other bookish people :)

    -Kate the Book Buff
    The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People

  2. Wow, lots going on. Thank so much for the mention! ^_^

  3. Kate: LOL...I knew that would catch someone's eye. ^_^ Oh, and I'll save you a seat!

    Dorothy Dreyer: My pleasure...and congrats once again!

  4. Uniquely portable magic? I love that.

    What a fabulous site!!!

  5. A great site. I got my 25% voucher from another blog, I wonder if they'll accept another from your site ........ or is that a bit cheeky?

    Loving those bookish quotes as well, some may well find there way onto my blog.

  6. Isn't this a great site? I fell in love with the bookmarks, and have my eye on several of the t-shirts as well! Hey, it's for a good cause, so I can spend more, right? ;)

    Save room for me on that Saturn space shuttle!

  7. I have to visit this site after writing this comment. Sounds like a candyshop/sundae parlour/toyland ... you get my drift. :) Thanks for sharing the news and the discount! I love reading, too, and am not afraid to shout it from my rooftop.

  8. I love the "Jane Austen for President" t-shirt. They've got so many cool things!
