Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Double Vision?

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers and an impromptu post that might make you do a double take.  How so?  Oh, you'll me.

So, my usual online routine involves a visit to the book playground that is GoodReads (perhaps you've heard of it?  ^_^).  Update my "current reads", check friend requests, and check out the new giveaways added since the day before for any I'm interested in entering as well as new additions to the wish list.  What can I say, I'm a bookaholic....but I"m betting many of you are too.  Anywho, it was during this daily "exercise" that I found myself with a mild case of whiplash.  I know you've had those moments where a book cover reminds you of another, especially with as much as we read, but this one LITERALLY hit me like a lightning bolt it was such a dead ringer....I had to look up the other book and lucky for me, my memory served me well.  Take a look at the results.... I was reminded of......

Bloody Little Secrets by Karly Kirkpatrick I saw on GoodReads today....

Howl (Howl, #1) by Jody Morse and Jayme Morse



Is it me or is that the SAME picture merely with the colors changed and the overlay added?


  1. I would say its the exact same picture. I have seen this alot with books in the past few years.

  2. O I hate when they do that. So unoriginal.

  3. No, it isn't just you, these two covers are very alike.

    For two other examples you might like to check out this post .....

  4. That's what I thought.... is it bad to say that it leaves me disappointed?

  5. You can actually still buy this picture on stock art sites. Part of the problem is getting exclusive rights to a photo is really expensive. As in 3k and up a picture. Also, you can often tell how many times a picture has been downloaded off of a stock art site, but there are lots of sites and it could be on all of also can't tell for sure how it's been used. All of this to say, it SHOULD be easier for larger publisher to avoid this because they can afford photo shoots and/or exclusive rights. It's harder for small or indie press, and self-publishers especially because there is a lot of lead time on books, so you might not now another person has used it until you've already had a cover designed.

    My cover designer and I try to pick pictures that fit a specific need, and then alter them enough that even if the exact same picture was used elsewhere it would be hard to tell.

  6. Jessica: Ah, I see. I was wondering if it was a stock photo or something. Still, the resemblance is SO similiar, to me they detract from each other. Appreciate the insight! ^_^
