Saturday, April 7, 2012

Perfect Princes and Princesses Need not Apply

Hi there!

Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers....the place to be when you need a bookish pick me up and today is no exception.  I had planned on featuring this title yesterday but one thing led to another and it SO wasn't happening.  Let's just say that I was none too happy with the night crew handling my Mother's are at the local hospital. (*glares*)  Anywho, today is another day and one that shan't slip away without this book seeing the light of, that was A LOT of unintentional rhyming.....~whistles~

Why feature this title you ask....well, I'll tell you.  It was a funny coincidence actually.  I brought a few books with me to read to dear old Mom and to kick things off, I was going with a storybook...but not just any storybook mind you but a fairytale redo.  It fit the situation well because Mom happened to be trying to adjust to the halo apparatus that she has to wear for the time being and it attached to a vest.  Where the rods meet in the back, it makes it feel like you are laying on something....because essentially you are....which led me to remember the children's story about a certain princess with issues sleeping on a lumpy mattress.....see where this is going? 

Today we take a look at the classic The Princess and the Pea through a new set of eyes...and with a modern twist.  How so?  Oh, you'll see.  Trust me, it is SO worth the wait....but as I've had a long day and wait sounds like a four letter word about now, I'll cut to the chase.  Today's book of choice is....

illustrated by
Sue deGennaro

Prince Henrick isn't your normal prince....nor is he seeking your normal princess.  You see, he doesn't fancy riding up on horseback to save a damsel in distress, nor does he want to search out a fair maiden whose foot fits a wayward slipper.  What Prince Henrick wants is a girl who likes hockey and camping, like he does, and it wouldn't hurt if she had a nice smile.  He wants someone who will love him for who he pretenses, no illusions.  Refreshing, no? (...and at such a young age!)

The modern concept of this tale had me thinking back to Sex and the City the movie.  Don't look at me like that.  There's a perfectly good reason why it reminds me of it.  I'm thinking of the scene where Carrie is reading a fairytale to Charlotte's daughter and she asks her if she understands that this is just a story and real life doesn't always end in happily ever after.  The way this story progresses you would think the same reality would settle in....but that's where the twist comes in. 

Through trial and error, suggestions from his older brother Hans (the original Prince from the story you know) and careful observations of his fair Princess Eva (fair is used a bit lightly there as in actions speak louder than words and beauty), he devises his own test to sort through the throngs of lovesick girls in order to find HIS princess (endearing Henrick to all of us).  The ending is sweet...he does find his match in a most surprising place (no, I won't be revealing EVERYTHING to you, but suffice it to say that you can't help but love who it turns out to be and her reaction the "the test") and to the delight of readers young and old.  The message it sends is wonderful and something we can all take to heart.  Combine all of this with the wonderful illustrations that bring this world to life and you've got a winner.

In short, a realistic fairytale that lacks none of the magical happily ever after and shows that you don't have to be the "perfect princess" to capture the heart of your long lost prince....merely the perfect version of YOU.  If the ending doesn't bring a smile to your face, I don't know what will.  It's a great example of a fairytale redo done right and one I'm certain will be charming the hearts of readers for some time.  Recommended for all ages; from the big to the small, this one's good for one and all. 

Review copy courtesy of Emily at Peachtree Publishers.  (THANKS!)  For more information on this title as well as their complete catalog, feel free visit them online, check out their blog, like them on Facebook or follow along on Twitter.  This book releases this month from the great folks over at Peachtree Publishers, so be on the look out for it on a bookstore shelf near you.  For more information on the author, be sure to check out his official website

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Sounds like a great story! And good for Prince Henrick for wanting someone to love him for who he really is!
