Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WINNER: The Galahad Series by Dom Testa

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  It's time to announce the winner of a recently closed contest here on the site.  It was for a YA Sci-fi series that sounded out of this world...and from the entries that came in, you thought so too!  Drum roll please....


Congratulations, Katrina!  You just won the complete SIX BOOK set of The Galahad series by Dom Testa!  Way to go!  Special thanks to Karen at Media Masters Publicity for the chance to participate in this promotion. (THANKS!) For more information on their promotions and services, feel free to visit their website. For more information on the Galahad series, pay a visit to the bookstore nearest you, like the author's Facebook page, check out their Twitter feed, visit the author's site, or click on over to the publisher's website.
Thanks to all that entered!  Didn't win?  No worries....there's plenty more where THAT came from.  In fact, there's another contest going on right now and more still to come!  Just check the right hand side bar under 'Current Contests' for more details and remember, you can't win if you don't enter! 
Speaking of which...have YOU voted for the IBBA today?  ^_^
Just ONE little click on that VOTE button at the top of the page and I'm one step closer to BEA 2012.  So go ahead...feel free to click at will (well, not AT Will, because that might hurt!)...

Until next time....happy reading!


1 comment:

  1. Whoooohoooo. I meant to tell you thanks when you first notified me and I totally forgot but the books showed up the other day and made me remember! Thanks so much. Nothing better than getting a huge pack of books in the mail! lol
