Thursday, April 12, 2012

You're NEVER too young (or old) for a classic....

Hi there!

Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers….the place to be when your looking for something bookish to do; you know, like read, add to your wish list, CAST YOUR VOTE FOR THE IBBA…. ^_^.

A month (or so) ago, I was approached by a publicist that I’ve worked with a few times already that has a certain knack for “the pitch” (Yes Eric, I’m speaking of YOU…^_^).  What is “the pitch”?  It’s that feeler email you receive that tells you just enough about a new title promotion forthcoming that your curiosity gets the better of you and you can’t wait to dive in.  This time though…it wasn’t for a title he was working on, but rather for a friend of his looking for additional sites to promote the two titles on the roster.  It really mattered not, because once again “the pitch” was right on target; I was hooked…and trust me, you will be too when you see what’s on the menu today…

Today, we’re taking a look at a pair of books that reaches out to the readers of tomorrow with all the artistry of today…and yet a goodly dose of the classics.  Confused?  Hopefully not, but if you are, I’m about to reveal all so no worries, you’ll be in the boat in just a moment.  *makes room….shuffles luggage aside*  Alrighty then, here we go.  Today’s books of choice are….


both titles by Jennifer Adams
and illustrated by Alison Oliver

Okay, let’s stop right here a moment and just gaze at those too-adorable-to-be-true covers.  *pauses*  Are you gazing?  Good because that’s only the beginning of the artistic beauty you will encounter within.  Now, add to that the educational value for little ones and you definitely have a winner.  The best part about them (besides what I’ve already stated)?  You and your little ones will want to hang on to these long after they’ve mastered their colors and graduated to hexadecimals because that’s when the illustrations can be appreciated even more. 

In Alice, you can recognize the characters from the original story that are being utilized to represent the various colors.  There’s the Cheshire Cat with his maniacal grin, the caterpillar uttering his infamous “Who are you?”    In Jane, you get to “visit” Thornfield Hall, see Mr. Rochester through new eyes, and share in her adoration of books.  You see, these books are sorta like the “magic beds” of the baby lit world (you know, the ones that go from crib to toddler bed to daybed?).  Just when you thought your past the age of acceptance for reading a board book, it draws you right back in again from another angle.  I can imagine a few blogger friends at this moment plotting out just where they can obtain a copy of these the fastest.  (^_^)  They really and truly are works of art. 

In summary, two literary classics get a kiddy makeover with applause worthy results.  No matter your age or “dependent” status, this series is one to watch for and share with readers round the world….I know I will be.  Who knows?  You just might influence future Bronte and Carroll addicts of tomorrow!  ^_^  Review copies courtesy of Eric and Jennifer.  (THANKS guys!)  For more information on this series, be sure to check out the official BabyLit page via Gibbs Smith (publisher), or like them on Facebook 

Did you catch that word “series”?  I thought you might.  These two books are just the latest additions to the series having been released just last month, so be on the lookout for them on a bookstore shelf near you and if you haven’t had your fill, I don’t blame you (really, they are TOO CUTE!), and neither does the author or illustrator.  To help quench that thirst for more cultural baby learning experiences, make sure you don’t miss the first two books in this series….Little Miss Austen:  Pride & Prejudice….and….Little Master Shakespeare:  Romeo & Juliet. 

Until next time…happy reading!


  1. Loving that Alice In Wonderland cover, its so cute.

  2. These are adorable..and i love classics..what a unique idea!

  3. I am simply itching for these. Great review.

  4. Sounds like a nice job on the remakes. :) I have to say I never really read Alice when I was younger. I should pick one up. :) Thank you!

  5. You are so so right! I can definitely imagine a few blogger friends who need these books! *Juju*

    You know what? I've never worked with Eric before and he actually contacted me about these. I'm so happy he did! These are fantastic! I'll have a review up soon as well, but I agree 100%. I don't care if you are 2 or 25, you'll love these books! Marvelous review!!! :o)

  6. These are so fun. I've never heard of them in child books before.
