Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Roving Reader

Mary Shelley's you've never seen it before!
Steampunk version, complete with illustrations from Zdenko Basic and Manuel Sumberac.

So what did you discover when out and about this weekend?
Do tell!



  1. Oh I do think I might need this one! I love the steampunk these days and to blend Frankenstein with it. Hmmm, It could be very good. :D Thank you!

  2. Whoa. Too cool. I would love to check this out. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. this book lol
    i saw it yesterday on gr

  4. Great cover but I'm still not convinced by the re-telling/writing of these classics generally holding the belief if it ain't broke why fix it.

  5. Melissa: Flipping through, it looked curious...

    Juju: My pleasure!

    roro: Small reading world after all. ^_^

    Petty Witter: Gotcha...I understand, I do; but what if it's not a "fix" per se but simply another way to enjoy the classic? Maybe even bring it to the new generation?

  6. Is it rewritten or are illustrations simply added? I love that cover!
