Tuesday, June 12, 2012

WINNERS: 3 Year Blogoversary Celebration

Hi there!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers.  It's time to announce the winner of a recently closed contest here on the site. This time around you were helping me celebrate my 3 Year Blogoversary...and getting a chance to win some great prizes, if I do say so myself.  ^_^  The winners are...drum roll please....

#8 - Vera Godley @ Chat With Vera
...you've won the FOUR BOOK prize pack featuring a few of my favorite reads including Oogy, Cleo, My Name is Memory, and Saving CeeCee Honeycutt
# 22 - Melanie @ Melanie's Random Thoughts
....you've scored a book of your choice up to $10 from BookDepository.com!
Now provided both my winners contact me back within 48 hours with the needed information, these two names are set in stone.  If not, well...you know what happens.  Special thanks to....EVERYONE that joined in the festivities!  You help make this online world more tangible and the blogging experience more of a two way street.  Be sure to check out the contests running right now for more chances to win!
Happy reading to each of you and hope to see you around the blog again soon!


  1. Congrats to the winners! And a belated congratulations to you on three years. That is awesome!

  2. Thanks again!!!
    Congrats Vera! :)

  3. Congratulations to Vera and Melanie! Enjoy!
