Friday, July 20, 2012

For the reader in us all...

Hi guys!
Welcome back to the Friday edition of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers…the place to be when your need to read is overpowering and the only way to get through the day is to satiate it. My friend, you’ve stumbled upon the site on a VERY good day indeed to quench that hunger, perhaps even the best day of all.

If you’re a frequent visitor here, then you know that I stick to no particular genre with the books I read and review; it’s whatever tickles my fancy, catches my eye, speaks to me from the shelf with a voice that can not be ignored….know what I mean? Of course you do…you’re a READER are you not? Well today I’m featuring one of those books that spoke to me the loudest. It’s not especially long or especially involved but it is a masterpiece that I would recommend to anyone, anywhere that truly enjoys books. No really, I couldn’t imagine a person tall or small, young or old, shy or bold that would turn away from this story without a tear in their eye and a smile in their heart. Without further ado, today’s fantastically WONDERFUL book of choice is….

William Joyce

Sound familiar? It should. The short film it inspired won an Academy Award after all…and the buzz throughout the blogosphere was incredible. Surprisingly though, I hadn’t actually seen a review of it, merely heard the rumblings. Well, one day as I was organizing the Kids department of the store, low and behold a magical wonder did catch my eye. I said to myself….self, that book spine looks friendly and familiar though I know I haven’t laid eyes on it before. I reached over. Selected the book from the shelf and….was whisked away by the wonders within. I knew at that moment, I had to have a copy to call my own (and now I do!).

From the whimsical artwork that graces the cover to the fine details you discover with every read, it’s truly a work of art that ALL ages can appreciate if you’ve ever truly loved a book. Little ones will delight in the flying books and Mr. Lessmore’s happy little helping book friend as well as the gorgeous colors used throughout the story. Older readers will find a refuge within the pages to let their love of books shine through like never before and revel in the magic they release from us all when the right book touches the life of the right reader. The story itself though less than wordy is moving in all the right ways. There’s even a part where you think it's headed in one direction (a sad one I might add) but it twists on you to reveal a happy ever after for one and all (at least in my interpretation, others have seen it differently).

The nods to other stories before it are in the details of both the book AND the film. From The Wizard of Oz to the nursery rhymes of Mother Goose, there’s something to see with every turn of the page. Every person met, every place shown is something new to take in and explore. One of my favorite aspects of the artwork is how the images go from black and white to full color after being exposed to a book. It’s a visual way of showing how much they enrich our lives with their words, their lessons and their stories just waiting to be shared, if we only give them half a chance.

You and me? We give them half if not a FULL chance, but that doesn’t mean the person next to you or hiding way over there in the corner knows the magic that they hold first hand. It’s our job, no our responsibility, nay our honor to share with them the world they may be missing between the pages. After all, a guided first step into the world of reading can make all the difference between a well read, well lived life and a black and white existence. So, to each of you reading this….SHARE IT. I don’t mean my post necessarily (though that would be appreciated), I mean your love of books, the joy that reading brings to you. It’s a love that everyone should know first hand and I couldn’t think of a better book to help share it with others…nor a better person to deliver the message than someone who has been there and LOVES that. (*ahem* YOU!)

Review copy is now a proudly owned part of my personal library thanks to my friend, blogging buddy and fellow reader…Nayuleska. (THANKS!) Be sure to check out her site to see what books are making their presence known in her world today. To discover more about the world of “Mr. Lessmore”, feel free to visit the official site, like it on Facebook, follow along on Twitter. To read all about the publisher and their current works in progress, check out Moonbot Studios online.

Until next time…happiest of happy reading wishes to you all!


  1. This film made me cry the first time I saw it. It's beautiful. And now I want to read the book, too!

    Beautiful post. Happy reading to you! :)

  2. I looooooooooved the film and have been itching to get my hands on this one.

  3. Love this book so so much! I actually have a review coming up for it this week so I don't want to read yours too carefully, but I'll just say I'm so so glad you loved it too! The film is marvelous!

    While at BEA I met William Joyce, the author behind all of this, and he is magnificent! He's got a number of other books out as well that I had no idea about until then and he also has a movie coming out soon, Rise of the Guardians. Here's the trailer in case you haven't seen it:

    It looks so good!

    Fabulous book choice today! Love this one!
