Monday, November 26, 2012

READ ALL ABOUT IT: Cyber Monday Deal (& Beyond) for Book Lovers!

Hi guys!
Welcome back to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers...the place to be when the need to read comes a knockin and you are ready with a big plate of "YES PLEASE!".  ^_^

Today as many of you know is CYBER MONDAY.  For those not up on the lingo, it means today is the day between now and Christmas that you can get uber great deals online...sorta like Black Friday but without the freezing your booty off outside bit.  Anywho, today felt extremely appropriate to shine a light on a FANTASTIC deal that was sent my way for a bookish treasure you or perhaps those you know would enjoy under their tree this year.  It's a book I sampled way back when and while it seems out of my usual box at first glance, trust me when I say IT'S REALLY GOOD.  I've yet to have the chance to pick up a copy of my own to finish my reading adventure, but this special holiday offer may be changing my tune very soon.

So, are you ready to READ ALL ABOUT IT?
Here we go!

First things first....let's take a look at the book....


Nikolas & Company, Episode 1:
The Merman and the Moon Forgotten
Kevin McGill
Illustrations by
Carlyle McCullough

"A long time ago in a world not so far away..."
Senior stagecoach driver Yeri Willrow thought he was performing a simple drive and drop for his mysterious passengers, until they are attacked by foul-breath red-eyed creatures. He soon learns that his passengers are a family of automaton-legged merfolk, and he is their only hope. Yeri suddenly finds himself tasked with saving the merfolk or they will fall to the peril of the creature most foul.
Sometime in the near future...
Fourteen-year-old Nick lives in a time when one can zip from country to country in mach-speed hovercars, extend their life indefinitely through cerebral downloads, and have every whim taken care of by their ever faithful nannydrone.
Nick hates it.
Aside from the refugee camps, overpopulation, and unchecked consumerism filling every city across the globe, Nick just doesnt belong. That is when he hears the voice of a woman:
"The Rones lie about their true intent. They enter the city of Huron at the peril of us all."
Shortly after, his slightly crazed grandfather reveals to him:
"All you've ever heard about Moon is a lie, my dear Nikolas. He was not always a mere satellite, a ghost wandering the stars. In an age before our own, Moon was our twin, and in him bore the whole of magical life. The cradle of this magical civilization was a fantastic metropolis filled with fire-breathing winged lions, volcano-born nymphs, automaton-legged mermaids, and so much magic you could smell it. We called this metropolis Huron, and you, Nikolas, are her steward."


Sound good?
You bet your best bookmark it is.
It's high on adventure, unique when it comes to story line, and will keep you turning pages until you reach the end.  If you need more info before deciding, just click HERE to be whisked away to the official series site.  Oh and by the way...the end is not really the end because there is already another installment in the series!  So no worries if you thought you'd be left high and dry....

Now, on the the EXTRA SPECIAL part of today's post....


NOW through ??,
YOU can pick up a
SIGNED copy of... 

Nikolas & Company, Episode 1:
The Merman and the Moon Forgotten

...for only $3.99

Click HERE to grab this special offer while it lasts!


How's that for an easy way to check someone off your holiday shopping list and perhaps even score a new read for yourself?  I think it's rather FABULOUS if I do say so myself  and quite generous of the author and publisher.  (THANKS guys!)

So whether you pick this deal up for yourself, your neighbor, a friend, or a friend of a friend, do me a favor....SPREAD THE WORD!  After all, it is the season of giving...and if you happen to score a little savings along the way, well I know my wallet would be a bit merrier and bright.

Until next time...happy reading!


  1. Not too lingo savvy, I've been wondering about these terms.

    Sounds like a fun read and I love the cover.

  2. Petty Witter: Not everyone is...glad I could help! Agreed on your assessment, the extended excerpt I read way back when was REALLY good; can't wait to see how things panned out. ^_^
